Philipp Haindl


Dr. Philipp Haindl MSc

  • FH-Dozent
  • Department Informatik und Security
Arbeitsplatz: B - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 666


  • IT Security (BA)
  • Management und Digital Business (BA)
  • Cyber Security and Resilience (MA)


  • Digital Business und Innovation
  • Informatik und Security


KOCHBERGER, P., HAINDL, P., Battaglin, M., & Felbauer, P. (2024). Comparability of Software Metrics and Estimating the Strength of Software Protections. ERCIM NEWS, 139.
Haindl, P., & Weinberger, G. (2024). Does ChatGPT Help Novice Programmers Write Better Code? Results from Static Code Analysis. IEEE Access, 12, 114146–114156.
Haindl, P., & Weinberger, G. (2024). Students’ Experiences of Using ChatGPT in an Undergraduate Programming Course. IEEE Access, 12, 43519–43529.
Haindl, P., Kochberger, P., & Sveggen, M. (2024). A Systematic Literature Review of Inter-Service Security Threats and Mitigation Strategies in Microservice Architectures. IEEE Access, 12, 90252–90286.
Buchgeher, G., Schöberl, S., Geist, V., Dorninger, B., Haindl, P., & Weinreich, R. (2023). Using Architecture Decision Records in Open Source Projects – An MSR Study on GitHub. IEEE Access, 1.
Haindl, P., & Weinberger, G. (2023). Einsatz von ChatGPT im Software Engineering Hochschulunterricht-Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen (Interaktives Format) [Presentation].
Haindl, P., Buchgeher, G., Khan, M., & Moser, B. (2022). Towards a reference software architecture for human-AI teaming in smart manufacturing. 96–100.
Haindl, P., & Plösch, R. (2022). Value‐oriented quality metrics in software development: Practical relevance from a software engineering perspective. IET Software, 16(2), 167–184.
Khan, A., Zhang, H., Boudjellal, N., Dai, L., Ahmad, A., Shang, J., & Haindl, P. (2022). A Comparative Study Between Rule-Based and Transformer-Based Election Prediction Approaches: 2020 US Presidential Election as a Use Case. In G. Kotsis, A. M. Tjoa, I. Khalil, B. Moser, A. Taudes, A. Mashkoor, J. Sametinger, J. Martinez-Gil, F. Sobieczky, L. Fischer, R. Ramler, M. Khan, & G. Czech (Eds.), Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2022 Workshops (Vol. 1633, pp. 32–43). Springer International Publishing.
Haindl, P., Hoch, T., Dominguez, J., Aperribai, J., Ure, N. K., & Tunçel, M. (2022). Quality Characteristics of a Software Platform for Human-AI Teaming in Smart Manufacturing. In A. Vallecillo, J. Visser, & R. Pérez-Castillo (Eds.), Quality of Information and Communications Technology (Vol. 1621, pp. 3–17). Springer International Publishing.
Haindl, P., & Plösch, R. (2020). Focus Areas, Themes, and Objectives of Non-Functional Requirements in DevOps: A Systematic Mapping Study. 394–403.
Haindl, P., Plösch, R., & Körner, C. (2020). An Operational Constraint Language To Evaluate Feature-Dependent Non-Functional Requirements. 34–42.
Haindl, P., Plösch, R., & Körner, C. (2019). An Extension of the QUAMOCO Quality Model to Specify and Evaluate Feature-Dependent Non-Functional Requirements. 19–28.
Haindl, P., & Plösch, R. (2019). Towards Continuous Quality: Measuring and Evaluating Feature-Dependent Non-Functional Requirements in DevOps. 91–94.
Haindl, P., Plösch, R., & Körner, C. (2019). A Research Preview on TAICOS – Tailoring Stakeholder Interests to Task-Oriented Functional Requirements. In E. Knauss & M. Goedicke (Eds.), Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (Vol. 11412, pp. 297–303). Springer International Publishing.
Haindl, P. (2018). Assessing and evaluating functional suitability of software. 920–923.
Stoeger, B., Batusic, M., Miesenberger, K., & Haindl, P. (2006). Supporting Blind Students in Navigation and Manipulation of Mathematical Expressions: Basic Requirements and Strategies. In K. Miesenberger, J. Klaus, W. L. Zagler, & A. I. Karshmer (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs (Vol. 4061, pp. 1235–1242). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.