JukeBlox is a project where audio-reactive animations are displayed with the help of projection mapping on different 3D objects.

JukeBlox is a project where audio-reactive animations are displayed with the help of projection mapping on different 3D objects. Musical properties including lyrics as well as the mood of the music that is being used as the data source are visualised. The lyrics are shown in form of a word cloud - the words/phrases that appear more frequently are displayed in a larger font size.
Our aim is to create an immersive and playful experience for the viewer. With the help of a website, we added an element of interactivity where the user can choose five songs which can be visualised. We are also working with colours that are associative and correspond to the mood of the song.
Within this context, we are trying to make visualisations more approachable and explorative.
Simon Schabel
Hanna Stachl
Sophie Seyrkammer
Aslihan Özüyilmaz