SAMBA - Smart Data for Music Business Administration


An advisory board was selected in order to provide close connections to the scientific community and to the industry. It consults the project team during three workshops. The following experts are part of the advisory board:

Bernhard Feichter, former director of programming at the radio station 88.6. Der Musiksender

Ulrich Raab, MA (FH) former senior product manager GSA, A&R Strategic Marketing Universal Music

Ao. univ. Professor Dr. Andreas Rauber, Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems, TU Vienna

Mag. Mario Rossori, CEO of Rossori Music, Pate Records and Edition Rossori, member of the board of managers at VTMÖ – Austrian Association of Independent Labels, Music Publishers and Producers

Associate Professor Dr. Markus Schedl, Department of Computational Perception, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz