ALGIS - Allgemeingültige Lösung für Geschäfts-Informations-Systeme

Platform for the collection of scattered information

The purpose of ALGIS is to present all information required by a specific user in a specific context or organization in one view in a consistent and uniform representation regardless of origin. Users are provided with an integrated, customizable view on enterprise data relevant for them. Documents, workflow tasks, mails, as well as other types of information from different source systems (DMS, workflow systems, SAP, SharePoint, mail systems, business applications, databases, etc.) are being integrated by ALGIS in a single web interface through a modular plug-in concept, enabling the user to group, sort, and filter information according to their individual preferences, thus facilitating efficient work. Information may be organized according to the users’ needs, as required by their individual way of working instead of being determined by technical constraints. 

The team of the Media Computing Research Group is working on conception and design of the web and mobile interface and is conducting an accessibility test.

  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise
FFG - Die Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft
10/31/2015 – 05/30/2016
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
Research Group Media Computing