Creative, Inclusive, Artistic, Social: Approaches to Collaboration in Sociocultural Projects

In this project workshop, we address methods and concepts of Social Work that have been incorporated into sociocultural project work. Sociocultural projects are introduced in a practice-oriented manner and implemented interactively – with a focus on rural regions or small towns. This allows students to gather experiences as to which effects can be achieved with the different methods and approaches, and they reflect on how sociocultural projects (project ideas) can be tailored to selected target groups. After all, sociocultural projects often fail to reach marginalised groups to the desired extent. This raises the question of how Social Work can facilitate the access to social culture work and how it can be made more inclusive, and how meeting places can be designed that allow people of different target groups and sociocultural life-worlds to get into contact and forge connections.

The students have different research focuses to choose from: research on existing sociocultural projects; conception of a project idea; reflection on the (own) experience within the research group and exploration of SOA approaches; the question “How can artists and cultural workers be assisted by SOA in designing sociocultural projects?”, etc.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!

Senior Researcher Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research
Department of Social Sciences
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
09/01/2024 – 06/30/2025
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research