The European Researchers' Night - a Europe-wide "Night of Science" - highlights the role of research, development and innovation in European society

The programme of the European Researchers' Night appeals to people from different age and occupational groups. It brings them closer to current research projects and the researchers in an innovative, informative and entertaining way. In 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015 St. Pölten UAS applied to be the organiser of the European Researchers' Night and was the only institution in Austria to be awarded this contract.
FIT for research?
Every European Researchers' Night organised by St. Pölten UAS had a different motto. In 2011 it was "FIT for Research". In this context, FIT means both fitness as well as “Forschung, Innovation, Technolgie” (research, innovation technology). St. Pölten UAS was transformed into an “intellectual fitness centre”, where visitors could take advantage of varied offers for body, mind and soul. The interdisciplinary concept brought together a wide variety of specialist areas such as media technology, media economics, information and communication technologies and health sciences. A cooperation with the Archaeology Museum of the University of Cambridge, the Italian Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici and the Bauhaus University Weimar enabled an exciting confrontation of prehistoric worlds with the virtual cyberspace of digital media.
Destination Future
In 2013 the European Researchers' Night in St. Pölten took place in the city centre. Under the motto "Destination Future", the focus was on the topics Future_LIVING, Future_MOBILITY, Future_MEDIA, Future_TECHNOLOGY, Future_HEALTH, Future_LIVING and Future_HISTORY. "Destination Future" underlined the indispensable role of research for society, its development and innovation in an informative and entertaining way, presenting research projects and how they contribute to mastering the challenges of the future.
F.I.T. for Future
In 2014 St. Pölten UAS presented the European Researchers’ Night at the Aula der Wissenschaften in Vienna. Under the motto "F.I.T. for Future" the topics F.I.T.ness-Center, F.I.T. with Researchers, F.I.T. for Timeshift, F.I.T. with Art and Science and F.I.T. for Europe - The European Corner" were discussed. As in previous years, the event was a meeting place for researchers and the public with the aim of raising awareness for research and innovation activities. The European Researchers' Night in 2014 aimed to increase recognition for researchers and their achievements for society.
In 2014, in the run-up to the European Researchers' Night, close cooperation was established with schools. In workshops, pupils produced videos and radio programmes under the guidance of researchers from St. Pölten UAS. The results were also presented at the European Researchers' Night.
Diversity, variety, fun
The European Researchers' Night organised by St. Pölten UAS has always been a colourful mixture of games, workshops, experiments, presentations, interactive installations, shows and performances with programmes aimed at young and old.
Bettina Eckert (student assistant 2014)
Manuela Eichhorn (student assistant 2013)
Sarah Kickinger (student assistant 2013)
- Land NÖ (2014, 2013, 2011)
- BM für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (2014)
- Wissenschaft Forschung NÖ (2013)
- PR & D (2011)