The overriding goal of this project is to develop the prototypical design for as well as implement and test a knowledge-assisted visual analytics method which malware analysts can use to help them analyse and identify malicious software behaviour.

Behavioural analysis of malicious software (malware) is usually carried out manually using scripts to clean up the data and for pattern recognition, as well as standard software such as text editors. This means that a vast amount of data has to be analysed, which is impractical as there are currently no interactive visual user interfaces available that meet all analysts’ needs or assist them with the tasks they have to perform.
By integrating interactive visualisations and visual analytics methods, and integrating stored expert knowledge, it will be possible to speed up data exploration and improve the quality of the results.
This approach will also facilitate the exchange of knowledge between domain experts in order that they can learn from one another.
- IKARUS Security Software GmbH