"Wie tickt die Jugend?"

Study on the political information and communication behaviour of young people in Lower Austria

In youth research, young people are often considered "seismographs" by being the societal group where changes and social developments can first be observed. This study focusses therefore on how young people act at the political level: 
What is their attitude towards politics? 
How do they keep informed about political events? 
To what extent and under what conditions do young people engage in politics? 

The study analyses factors for successful political communication with young people. In addition to comprehensive information on the political behaviour of young people, the study provides a differentiated insight into media use, values, interests, leisure behaviour and life situation of young people in Austria.

Study commissioned by SPÖ Gemeindevertreterverband NÖ
11/01/2012 – 11/30/2013
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Research Group Media Business