
In the year 2022, St. Pölten UAS researchers produced 181 publications based on their scientific work.

The university is committed to making knowledge publicly accessible and supports open access publications. It is one of the first Austrian universities of applied sciences to sign the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. Click here for further information on the topic of open access, as well as a link to St Pölten UAS’s open access database.

Top Publications
Ordered by year and author
Seidl, Markus, & Zeppelzauer, Matthias. (2019). Towards Distinction of Rock Art Pecking Styles with a Hybrid 2D/3D Approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 4.
Slijepcevic, D., Raberger, A.-M., Zeppelzauer, M., Dumphart, B., Breiteneder, C., & Horsak, B. (2019). On the usefulness of statistical parameter mapping for feature selection in automated gait classification. Book of Abstracts of the 25th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), 1.
Slijepcevic, D., Raberger, A.-M., Zeppelzauer, M., Dumphart, B., Breiteneder, C., & Horsak, B. (2019). On the usefullness of statistical parameter mapping for feature selection in automated gait classification. Book of Abstracts of the 25th Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB), 1.
Egger Martin, Stadlmann, B., Peter, T., Jürgen, Z., & Frank, M. (2019). Die Schraubenkupplung ist automatisierbar! Der Eisenbahningenieur, 06/2019, 18–21.
Egger Martin, Stadlmann, B., Peter, T., Jürgen, Z., & Frank, M. (2019). Die Schraubenkupplung ist automatisierbar! Der Eisenbahningenieur, 06/2019, 18–21.
Stoiber, C., Rind, A., Grassinger, F., Gutounig, R., Goldgruber, E., Sedlmair, M., Emrich, S., & Aigner, W. (2019). netflower: Dynamic Network Visualization for Data Journalists. Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis "19), 38.
Tavolato-Wötzl, C., & Tavolato, P. (2019, February). Analytical Modelling of Cyber-Physical Systems. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy - ICISSP 2019, 3rd International Workshop on FORmal Methods for Security Engineering - ForSE 2019.
Tomic Hensel, M. (2019, October 9). Economization of Social Work - the need for theoretical perspectives and research approaches. IFSW european conference, Wien.
von Suess, R., & Tratz, M. (2019, November 27). Different Brilliant: Showcase Master Thesis. International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria.
Wenzl, M., Merzdovnik, G., Ullrich, J., & Weippl, E. (2019). From Hack to Elaborate Technique—A Survey on Binary Rewriting. ACM Computing Surveys, 52(3 / Artikel 49).
Zielinski, B., Lipinski, Michal, Juda, M., Zeppelzauer, M., & Dlotko, Pawel. (2019). Persistence Bag-of-Words for Topological Data Analysis. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019, 6.
Amiri, F., Quirchmayr, G., & Kieseberg, P. (2018). A Machine Learning Approach for Privacy-preservation in E-business Applications: Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on E-Business and Telecommunications, 443–452.
Andrienko, N., Lammarsch, T., Andrienko, G., Fuchs, G., Keim, D. A., Miksch, S., & Rind, A. (2018). Viewing Visual Analytics as Model Building. Computer Graphics Forum, 37(6), 275–299.
Bernard, J., Zeppelzauer, M., Sedlmair, M., & Aigner, W. (2018). VIAL – A Unified Process for Visual-Interactive Labeling. The Visual Computer, 34(1189), 16.
Bernard, J., Zeppelzauer, M., Lehmann, M., Müller, M., & Sedlmair, M. (2018). Towards User-Centered Active Learning Algorithms. Computer Graphics Forum, 37, 121–132.
Buchholz, D., Kolm, A., Vanherle, K., Adam, M., Baete, E., Gast, C., Heine-Bröring, R., Höld, E., Kohlenberg-Müller, K., Lange, K., Ohlrich-Hahn, S., Rachman-Elbaum, S., Roemeling-Walters, M., Wewerka-Kreimel, D., & Werkman, A. (2018). Prozessmodelle in der Diätetik - Ein europäischer Vergleich. Ernährungs Umschau, 65(9), M494-503.
Ebner-Zarl, A. (2018). „Das ist mein absoluter Lieblingsfilm!“ Zu den Kino- und FernsehheldInnen von 10- bis 12-Jährigen aus Geschlechterperspektive. Medienwelten – Zeitschrift Für Medienpädagogik, Nr. 9 (2018): Transhumanismus, Migration, Gender – Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Aspekte im Film, 139–181.
Egger, M., Zellner, C., Stadlmann, B., Saliger, F., Traussenegger, P., Zajicek, J., & Michelberger, F. (2018). Automatisches Trennen von Güterwagen mit Schraubenkupplung. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 09/2018, 136–140.
Egger, M., Zellner, C., Stadlmann, B., Saliger, F., Traussenegger, P., Zajicek, J., & Michelberger, F. (2018). Automatisches Trennen von Güterwagen mit Schraubenkupplung. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 09/2018, 136–140.
Felberbauer, T., Gutjahr, W. J., & Doerner, K. F. (2018). Stochastic project management: multiple projects with multi-skilled human resources. Journal of Scheduling.