
In the year 2023, St. Pölten UAS researchers produced 191 publications based on their scientific work.

The university is committed to making knowledge publicly accessible and supports open access publications. It is one of the first Austrian universities of applied sciences to sign the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. Click here for further information on the topic of open access, as well as a link to St Pölten UAS’s open access database.

Top Publications
Ordered by year and author
Kubler, S., Robert, J., Neumaier, S., Umbrich, J., & Le Traon, Y. (2018). Comparison of metadata quality in open data portals using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Government Information Quarterly, 35(1), 13–29.
Leitner, G. (2018). Trendige Superfoods – Placebo oder Wundermittel? Ernährung Und Medizin, 33(2), 55–88.
Luh, R., Schramm, G., Wagner, M., Janicke, H., & Schrittwieser, S. (2018). SEQUIN: a grammar inference framework for analyzing malicious system behavior. Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, 01–21.
Michelberger, F., Ostermann, M., & Maly, T. (2018). Schotterflug durch Eisabwurf – Problematik und mögliche Maßnahmen. Ingenieurspiegel, 2/2018, 56–57.
Michelberger, F., Ostermann, M., & Maly, T. (2018). Schotterflug durch Eisabwurf – Problematik und mögliche Maßnahmen. Ingenieurspiegel, 2/2018, 56–57.
Michelberger, F., Fabian, C., Jungwirth, M., Kalteis, M., Merschak, S., Stadlmann, B., Stock, L., & Wagner, A. (2018). Ergebnisbericht Projekt StilvA - Studie für eine innovative, lärm- und verschleißarme Bremsung am Abrollberg [Endbericht]. Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH.
Michelberger, F., & Blauensteiner, B. (2018). Modularisation as a key-success factor for academia-industry collaboration. In Sustainable Rail Transport - Proceedings of RailNewcastle 2017 (pp. 93–99). Springer International Publishing 2018.
Michelberger, F., Fabian, C., Jungwirth, M., Kalteis, M., Merschak, S., Stadlmann, B., Stock, L., & Wagner, A. (2018). Ergebnisbericht Projekt StilvA - Studie für eine innovative, lärm- und verschleißarme Bremsung am Abrollberg (INFONETZ) [Endbericht]. Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH.
Michelberger, F., & Blauensteiner, B. (2018). Modularisation as a key-success factor for academia-industry collaboration. In Sustainable Rail Transport - Proceedings of RailNewcastle 2017 (pp. 93–99). Springer International Publishing 2018.
Musik, C., Ebner-Zarl, A., & Gebesmair, A. (Eds.). (2018). Eine BürgerInnen-Ethnographie der Frankfurter Buchmesse. Ein Experiment. ikon VerlagsGesmbH.
Niederer, C., Stitz, H., Hourieh, R., Grassinger, F., Aigner, W., & Streit, M. (2018). TACO: Visualizing Changes in Tables Over Time. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis "17), 24(1), 677–686.
Oberzaucher, E., & Rüger, B. (2018). Nudging im ÖPNV - menschengerechtes Design für optimierte Betriebsqualitäten im öffentlichen Verkehr. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 12/2018, 74–77.
Permoser, G. (2018). Towards a Strategy for Digitalisation: A Practitioner Report from St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences [Invited talk]. Higher Education Digitalization Conference, Ulaanbaatar.
Permoser, G., & Raffaseder, H. (2018, August 29). Composing, orchestrating, conducting and interpreting innovation and digital transformation - What higher education institutions can learn from the evolution of digital music [Invited talk]. 40th EAIR Forum, Budapest, Hungary.
Pohl, M., Weissenböck, E., Judmaier, P., Viertelmayr, A., & Rottermanner, G. (2018). Life at risk - an empirical investigation of the design of workplaces in control rooms. IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, 13.
Ramler, H., & Freisleben-Teutscher, C. F. (2018). Get the Kidney! Nutrition for Haemodialysis Patients – A Training Video for Students in Dietetics [Posterpräsentation]. ICRNM International Congress of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism, Genua.
Rauchberger, J., Schrittwieser, S., Dam, T., Luh, R., Buhov, D., Pötzelsberger, G., & Kim, H. (2018). The Other Side of the Coin: A Framework for Detecting and Analyzing Web-based Cryptocurrency Mining Campaigns. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. ARES 2018, Hamburg, Deutschland.
Rüger, B. (2018). Influence of Passenger Behaviour on Railway-Station Infrastructure. In Sustainable Rail Transport (p. S. 127-160). Springer International Publishing.
Oberzaucher, Elisabeth, & Rüger, B. (2018). Nudging im ÖPNV - menschengerechtes Design für optimierte Betriebsqualitäten im öffentlichen Verkehr. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, 12/2018, 74–77.
Rüger, B. (2018). Influence of Passenger Behaviour on Railway-Station Infrastructure. In Sustainable Rail Transport (p. S. 127-160). Springer International Publishing.