In the year 2023, St. Pölten UAS researchers produced 191 publications based on their scientific work.
The university is committed to making knowledge publicly accessible and supports open access publications. It is one of the first Austrian universities of applied sciences to sign the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. Click here for further information on the topic of open access, as well as a link to St Pölten UAS’s open access database.
Ordered by year and author
Krone, J. (2017). Zur Ökonomie gemeinwohlorientiert Medien - digitale Massenkommunikation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. MedienWirtschaft, 2/2017, 40–43.
Litschka, M., & Karmasin, M. (2017). CSR as economic, ethical and communicative concept. In S. Diehl, B. Müller, R. Terlutter, & F. Weder (Eds.), Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication (pp. 37–50). Springer.
Luh, R., Schrittwieser, S., & Marschalek, S. (2017). LLR-based Sentiment Analysis for Kernel Event Sequences. 31th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications.
Mayrhofer, H., Wolfgruber, G., Geiger, K., Hammerschick, W., & Reidinger, V. (2017). Kinder und Jugendliche mit Behinderungen in der Wiener Psychiatrie von 1945 bis 1989: Stationäre Unterbringung am Steinhof und Rosenhügel (Vol. 8). LIT Verlag.
Michelberger, F., Röhl, J., & Jahnel, F. (2017). Entwicklung eines innovativen, höhenverstellbaren Fahrleitungsmasten. Ingenieurspiegel - Fachmagazin für Ingenieure, Bahntechnik, Schiffbautechnik(02/2017), 18–21.
Michelberger, F., Röhl, J., & Jahnel, F. (2017). Entwicklung eines innovativen, höhenverstellbaren Fahrleitungsmasten. Ingenieurspiegel - Fachmagazin für Ingenieure, Bahntechnik, Schiffbautechnik(02/2017), 18–21.
Nagy, A. (2017). Wirkungen der Heimerziehung heute : Jugendliche Perspektiven auf Autonomie und Eigenverantwortung im Übergang [Universität Innsbruck].
Pellegrini, T., Kovarova-Simecek, M., Bauer, V., & Aubram, T. (2017). Urheberrechtswissen und -praxis in Social Networks. Trends und Communities der Rechtsinformatik - Tagungsband der 20. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposium, 326, 639–646.
Pellegrini, T. (2017). Semantic metadata in the publishing industry – technological achievements and economic implications. Electronic Markets, 27(1), 9–20.
Pellegrini, T., & Krone, J. (2017). Netzneutralität und digitaler Medienvertrieb. In Handbuch Medienökonomie. Life Edition (Vol. 1, pp. 347–368). Springer Fachmedien.;
Permoser, G. (2017). Evaluating third mission. Towards a concept for small universities of applied sciences [Invited talk]. 39th EAIR Forum, Porto, Portugal.
Rauchberger, J., Luh, R., & Schrittwieser, S. (2017). Longkit - A Universal Framework for BIOS/UEFI Rootkits in System Management Mode. Third International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, Madeira, Portugal.
Rind, A., Haberson, A., Blumenstein, K., Niederer, C., Wagner, M., & Aigner, W. (2017). PubViz: Lightweight Visual Presentation of Publication Data. In B. Kozlíková, T. Schreck, & T. Wischgoll (Eds.), Proc. Eurographics Conf. Visualization (EuroVis) – Short Paper (pp. 169–173). EuroGraphics.
Rind, A., Federico, P., Gschwandtner, T., Aigner, W., Doppler, J., & Wagner, M. (2017). Visual Analytics of Electronic Health Records with a Focus on Time. In G. Rinaldi (Ed.), New Perspectives in Medical Records: Meeting the Needs of Patients and Practitioners (pp. 65–77). Springer.
Slijepcevic, D., Horsak, B., Schwab, C., Raberger, A.-M., Schüller, M., Baca, A., Breitender, C., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2017). Ground reaction force measurements for gait classification tasks: Effects of different PCA-based representations. Gait & Posture Supplement, 57, 4–5.
Tominski, C., Aigner, W., Miksch, S., & Schumann, H. (2017). Images of Time: Visual Representation of Time-Oriented Data. In A. Black, P. Luna, O. Lund, & S. Walker (Eds.), Information Design: Research and Practice (pp. 23–42). Gower/Routledge.
Wagner, M., Rind, A., Thür, N., & Aigner, W. (2017). A knowledge-assisted visual malware analysis system: design, validation, and reflection of KAMAS. Computers & Security, 67, 1–15.
Wagner, M., Sacha, D., Rind, A., Fischer, F., Luh, R., Schrittwieser, S., Keim, D. A., & Aigner, W. (2017). Visual Analytics: Foundations and Experiences in Malware Analysis. In L. B. Othmane, M. G. Jaatun, & E. Weippl (Eds.), Empirical Research for Software Security: Foundations and Experience (pp. 139–171). CRC/Taylor and Francis.
Werkman, A., Vanherle, K., Valentini, L., Kohlenberg-Müller, K., Heine-Bröring, R., Roemeling-Walters, M., Adam, M., Aerts, H., Baete, E., Le Bruyn, B., Van Vlaslaer, V., Buchholz, D., Rachman-Elbaum, S., Gast, C., Hahn, S., Huber, M.-L., Höld, E., Wewerka-Kreimel, D., Höld, E., & Kolm, A. (2017). Education of European dietitians using a MOOC: the IMPECD project [Posterpräsentation]. COHEHRE Conference, Setubal (Portugal).
Wagner-Havlicek, C., & Marckhgott, E. (2017). Nothing Beats Quality? The Influence of Consumer Testing Signs on the Evaluation of Print Ads. In V. Zabkar & M. Eisend (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research VIII: Challenges in an Age of Dis-Engagement (pp. 213–225). Springer Gabler Verlag.