Pamela Nolz
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Pamela Nolz
- Senior Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
- Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
- Rail Technology and Mobility
Nurgazina, J., Killian, S., Taurer, F., Nolz, P., Filip, I.-D., & Felberbauer, T. (2025). Decentralized Knowledge Sharing Framework for Aquaponics-Based Food Production: Insights on Data Sharing and User Interfaces. IEEE 43rd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Las Vegas, USA.
Nolz, P. (2024, January 7). The consistent electric-vehicle routing problem with backhauls and charging management [Invited talk]. European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2024), Copenhagen, Denmark.
Nolz, P. (2024, April 16). Erweiterung der persönlichen Komfortzone unterrepräsentierter Gruppen in einem inklusiven Mobilitätssystem [Poster]. Österreichischer Radgipfel, Wiener Neustadt.
Nolz, P. (2024, April 16). Check and Leave for Environmental Action [Poster]. Österreichischer Radgipfel, Wiener Neustadt.
Nolz, P., & Parragh, S. (2024). Zukunftsorientierte Logistik: Nachhaltige Ansätze. In C. Falkinger & A. Lindinger (Eds.), Praxishandbuch Nachhaltiges betriebliches Mobilitätsmanagement: So gelingt die Transformation zu einer nachhaltigen, innovativen und inklusiven Mobilität in Unternehmen. Linde Verlag GmbH.
Nurgazina, J., Nolz, P., & Felberbauer, T. (2023, September 27). Effiziente dezentrale nachhaltige Lebensmittel-Produktion [Poster]. Eröffnung RSA FG Smart-Digital-Industries-Services, FH St. Pölten.
EDEN: aquaponics-based sustainable food production. (2023, June 9). [Poster]. 5th International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering, Budapest, Hungary.
Serralha, M. de F., Anderluh, A., Santos, B., Radványi, D., Leščevica, M., Mesbahi, Z., Carriço, N., Nolz, P., Coninck, S., & Galatanu, S. (2023). Chapter 9: The contribution of urban domestic waste management to the circular economy: The perspective of six European countries. In L. C. Carvalho, P. Bogas, J. Kneipp, L. Avila, & E. Ossmane (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Solving Societal Challenges Through Sustainability-Oriented Innovation (pp. 159–181). IGI Global.
Anderluh, A., Nurgazina, J., Nolz, P., & Schöffer, L. (2023, September 21). Load synchronization for sustainable online shopping deliveries in urban areas. 3rd SynchroTrans Workshop, Lille.
Nolz, P., Turan, B., Anderluh, A., & Biesinger, B. (2023, September 21). A vehicle routing problem with synchronization en route between eco- friendly transport modes [Vortrag]. 3rd SynchroTrans Workshop, Lille, Frankreich.
Anderluh, A., & Nolz, P. (2022). Cargo Bikes for Sustainable Last Mile City Logistics. Conference Proceedings of the 20th STS Conference Graz 2022, Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, 21–33.
Fredriksson, A., Janné, M., Nolz, P., de Radiguès de Chennevière, P., van Lier, T., & Macharis, C. (2021). Creating stakeholder awareness in construction logistics by means of the MAMCA. City and Environment Interactions, 11, 100067.
Anderluh, A., Nolz, P., & Hauser, B. (2021). Grätzl & Hub - Vernetzte Radlogistik mit sozialem Mehrwert [Vortrag mit Diskussion]. DLC-Online-Stammtisch 18.03.2021, Online Event.
Anderluh, A., Biesinger, B., Nolz, P., & Turan, B. (2019). A Meet and Regret Heuristic for the Dynamic Vehicle Synchronization Problem with Soft Time Windows and Pickup and Delivery Requests [Invited Talk]. 2nd SynchroTrans Workshop 2019, Nantes.
Anderluh, A., Larsen, R., Hemmelmayr, V., & Nolz, P. (2017). Performance of a Deterministic 2e-VRP with Synchronization in a Real Life Situation. VeRoLog 2017, Amsterdam.
Anderluh, A., Larsen, R., Hemmelmayr, V., & Nolz, P. (2016). Time uncertainties in a city distribution scheme with synchronization. VeRoLog 2016, Nantes.
Anderluh, A., Larsen, R., Hemmelmayr, V., & Nolz, P. (2015). Synchronizing vans and cargo bikes in a city distribution network. VeRoLog 2015, Vienna.
Anderluh, A., Crainic, T., Hemmelmayr, V., & Nolz, P. (2015). Bimodal synchronized transportation for inner city freight deliveries. EURO 2015, Glasgow.
Anderluh, A., Theodor, C., Hemmelmayr, V., & Nolz, P. (2015). Multi-objective synchronized transportation for inner city freight deliveries. OR 2015, Vienna.
Anderluh, A., Hemmelmayr, V., & Nolz, P. (2014). Optimization of a Two-Echelon City Distribution Network with Cargo Bikes. IFORS 2014, Barcelona.