International Social Work with a focus on Human and Fundamental Rights

“International social work is generally understood to encompass global social problems and policy issues, comparative social policy, international professional organizations, social work practice focused on development of human rights, or migration, especially that in international agencies.” (Healy, 2009). Its international context defines the frame for local / national social work and also the stage where standards, projects and initiatives are developed or where discussion, reflection and critic can take place.

Throughout the work on the bachelor project the students will have the chance to deal with the foundations of international social work (Human Rights, Fundamental Rights, ethical principles, …) its current issues (Agenda 2030, eco-social work, social work in conflict zones, …), approaches (indigenous knowledge, decolonialization, systemic theory, …), challenges, and get in touch with international actors, stakeholders and institutions. The current international conflicts and crisis, nature catastrophes or the increase of power of the far right in Europe and the social divide it creates add a dramatic dimension to the forementioned aspects and also challenge the foundations and goals of (international) social work: Human Rights, social justice, …

With this research project provides a framework where we can find answers to relevant questions for social work such as:  

Which are the differences between Fundamental and Human Rights?

  • How are they related to social work?
  • Which are the characteristics of international social work?
  • Which are the current trends and issues in International social work?
  • Where and how is it implemented / deployed?
  • Which are the main actors? 
  • Which challenges faces international social work?
  • Which potentials?
  • How does international social work deal with them? (principles, approaches, etc.)
  • What´s next?

Cooperation partners and stakeholders:

Institutions / Agencies:

  • International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) Europe
  • Österreichischer Berufsverband der Sozialen Arbeit (obds)
  • European Union Agency for Fundeamental Rights (Fance)
  • British association of social workers (England)
  • CFCECAS (Romania)
  • AsproAs (Romania)

International actors:

  • Herbert Paulischin (IFSW Europe representative to UN / CFCECAS President)
  • Ana Radulescu (AsproAs President)
  • Ruth Allen (IFSW Europe president / IFSW representative to the Council of Europe / CEO at the British Association of Social Workers)
  • Kristine Evertz (IFSW Europe / Senior Policy Advisor on Domestic Violence in Gouda, The Netherlands)
  • Marcin Boryczko (IFSW Europe / IFSW Europe representative to IFSW Global Human Rights Commission / Assistant Professor at the University of Gdansk, Poland)
  • Ene Patterson (Project Manager at the Institutional Cooperation and Networks Unit at FRA)

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Internationale Koordinatorin
Department Soziales
Arbeitsplatz: B - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 519
01.09.2024 – 30.06.2025
Beteiligte Institute, Gruppen und Zentren
Ilse Arlt Institut für Soziale Inklusionsforschung