The project “ARGE Community Nursing Waldviertler Kernland”, which was launched in April 2022, is oriented towards the support of older people and their relatives in 14 communities in the southern Waldviertel region. The team of five nurses with diploma focuses on establishing networks, identifying resources, and making them available. Preventive home visits and biographical case discussions help identify specific needs of the target group that include relevant topics with regard to both nursing and Social Work. The project’s goal is to systematically analyse the collected data, thereby determining potential gaps that have not been addressed so far. From this, it will be possible to draw conclusions as to where Social Work could offer assistance, and which offers should be installed in the region. The interdisciplinary collaboration between Social Work students on the one hand and the healthcare and nursing sector on the other plays a special role for enabling an in-depth analysis of the affected persons’ situation. The research methods include literature reviews but also qualitative interviews with older people and their relatives as well as community nurses including their systematic analyses.The knowledge gained can serve as a signpost that contributes to the development of a practicable survey instrument to improve the understanding and assessment of older people’s social and health-related situation. Subsequently, the actual implementation could be realised in a follow-up master project.
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Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research
Deputy Academic Director Social Work (MA)
Deputy Head of Department
Department of Social Sciences