Enterprise 4.0 +GF+ Asset Tracking

Supporting manufacturing companies keeping track of products and materials with Asset Tracking

Manufacturing companies have difficulties keeping track of products and materials. Containers are lost or take a long time to find. It is hard to find out which product is in what production step.

To solve this problem we used the Kontakt.io’s BLE tracking hardware which incorporates BLE Beacons and Gateways. The beacons are attached to the tracked Objects where they broadcast a Bluetooth signal in a defined time interval. The Gateways which are mounted throughout the premises in predefined positions, constantly monitor the Bluetooth signals received by the Beacons and forwards them to a cloud server where all the data is temporarily stored.

We have setup a Web-application that allows us to query the stored data from the cloud via API and filter the data for relevant information. It gives the user the possibility to either search for a specific object or list all objects in a specific location.

When looking for an object the app displays its current location and gives information on which path the object has travelled there. In case of a manufacturing environment, this gives insight into which process steps the object has undergone at which time.

This gives the user the possibility to efficiently monitor their products whereabouts and analyse their production flow.

The app is easy to configure to the system by using a config file that defines which gateways are positioned where, and to which production step it belongs to.

External Staff
Christoph Weninger
  • Georg Fischer AG
State of Lower Austria
02/01/2017 – 04/30/2018
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
Research Group Digital Technologies