The project aims at developing a catalogue of requirements for a general increase in attractiveness of public transport with particular focus on gender-appropriated design of rail vehicles.
Gender-sensitive design of railway vehicles
Transport policy aims at transferring regular road traffic to more sustailable public transport. But to enhance the demand for public transport, it is essential to increase its attractivness. Public transport should appeal to new target groups as well as satisfy those who already use public transport.
Promoting public transport
In public transport, particularly in rail, there are a number of factors that influence the comfort of passengers, for example acoustics, visuals or odour. Other decisive elements are the comfort of standing or sitting, the areal division from other travelers, a sense of security or temperature. The ideal vehicle offers comfort for as many passengers as possible. With regard to the aspects mentioned above, there are gender-specific differences in perception. In order to develop vehicles the provide comfort to all travelers these differences must be actively addressed.
Project goal: preparation of a requirement catalogue
The project aims at preparing a set of criteria to increase the appeal of local public transport, with a special regard to gender-sensitive design. Based on studies of perception and preferences regarding environmental and comfort factors, as well as extensive surveys of passenger behavior and passenger needs current problem areas can be identified and measures to optimize interior design for the benefit of all can be implemented.
- TU Wien – Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften, Forschungsbereich für Eisenbahnwesen, Verkehrswirtschaft und Seilbahnen
- IFZ - Interuniversitäres Forschungszentrum für Technik, Arbeit und Kultur
- Ingenieurbüro Dr. Michael Petz
- netwiss GmbH