Inclusion Chart for Family Diagnostics. The IC4 in Child and Youth Welfare

A deficiency in terms of methods for social diagnostics is criticised in child and youth welfare. By developing its own process – the “Inklusionschart-Familiendiagnostik“ (inclusion-chart family diagnostics, IFa) – this project aims at providing a practicable response to this problem. The IFa is a socio-educational instrument for the documentation and diagnostic analysis of family situations. Existing resources and resiliencies, but also social problems, can be systematically observed. It is a direct further development of the “Inklusions-Chart” (inclusion chart, IC) by Peter Pantucek-Eisenbacher and allows for the systematisation of all socio-educational processes in outpatient child and youth welfare.

The bachelor project is dedicated to the scientific evaluation of the IFa manual as well as socio-educational and Social Work application approaches. The relevance of the process is to be explored within the meaning of research on the professionalisation of Social Work in consideration of current developments in child and youth welfare. The primary research objective is the evidence-based optimisation  of all IFa tools and contents in close connection with the specialist discourse and field-specific needs. The implementation of this project is ensured through a multi-perspective mixed-methods approach.

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UAS Lecturer for Teaching and Practice
Department of Social Sciences
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847228 512
09/01/2024 – 06/30/2025
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research