A platform for deaf people that want to acquire programming skills.
Background and Project Content
So far, there are no training programs for deaf individuals that enable them to acquire basic programming skills. Written tutorials are available, but they do not provide what is needed to build a solid knowledge base and develop a comprehensive skill set. Video tutorials in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) with visually structured learning materials can help overcome the limitations of written learning materials. This is where Software Deaf comes in. The project team aims to develop an online platform providing explanatory videos for deaf individuals.
Target Groups
The project’s outcomes may provide added value for the following groups:
- The primary target group is deaf, hard-of-hearing, and late-deafened individuals who wish to acquire skills in information and communication technologies (ICT). The project aims to support this marginalized group and create career opportunities for them in the ICT sector.
- Another target group consists of companies and organizations in the ICT industry that are urgently looking for skilled professionals. This demand could, to some extent, be met by trained individuals from the deaf community.
- Universities offering ICT programs also stand to benefit. Tailoring ICT and STEM programs to deaf students can help reduce barriers to higher education for this underrepresented group.
Methods and Scope
We are developing a free online platform that makes it easier for deaf individuals to acquire basic programming knowledge. We organize regular participatory workshops with members of the deaf and ÖGS community. This helps tailor the platform to their specific needs. The insights gained during these workshops are also valuable for redesigning degree programs to make them more accessible to people from the deaf community. In particular, institutions that lack the resources to offer deaf students a barrier-free learning experience will benefit from this.
We place great emphasis on involving interested companies. This not only raises awareness of our project but also enables our partners to take concrete steps, such as offering internships to provide initial work experience.
The findings from our regular meetings with the deaf community are documented and made freely available to ensure that future projects can build on our experience.
There is currently no learning and teaching platform that is designed for the needs of deaf individuals who are interested in working in the field of information and communication technology. We are closing this gap. By providing educational content in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS), we facilitate access to the ICT industry and STEM studies for this marginalized group, creating new perspectives and expanding their participation opportunities.
You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Department of Computer Science and Security
Gabriel Manasch
Franz Steinbrecher
Oliver Suchanek
- Gebärdenverse – Verein für Kunst, Kultur, Bewegung und Gebärdensprache