LoRaBridge 2

Home automation solution with greater range than current systems.

Background and Project Content

 A Home Automation Hub connects all smart home devices (such as those that control lighting, temperature, or security systems) and ensures that they communicate with one another. To remotely control the devices from a smartphone or computer, an internet-connected hub is required. However, this is not always feasible and frequently fails to deliver the desired functionality. For this reason, in a precursor project we began researching an alternative that does not require such a connection and has a longer range than the applications currently available on the market (Zigbee/WLAN-based devices).
Our solution allows users to easily set up, configure, and oversee their home automation rules via highly optimized LoRaWAN connections. Various devices, including motion sensors and smart lamps, seamlessly connect to a central hub unit outfitted with ZigBee/LoRaWAN technology. On top of that, our hub, with its well-authenticated and secured LoRaWAN connection, provides heightened protection against cybersecurity threats.

Target Groups 

Sensors and home automation are quite common in Austria's IoT landscape, with numerous companies providing off-the-shelf solutions for both residential and industrial clients. However, the current limitation on wireless sensor range confines home and building automation to indoor applications (e.g., single floor only). The solution we have developed overcomes these problems and expands the functionality of home automation applications. As a result, it appeals to organizations/companies and private individuals alike.

State of the Art/Scope of Functions 

Currently, a variety of LPWAN technologies (including LoRaWAN, Sigfox, and NbIoT) are used to connect remote devices to a smart home system. However, LPWAN-based smart home solutions are still in their early stages of development. Also, LoRaWAN/Nb-IoT sensors and devices are in very limited supply. Another disadvantage is the high latency (delay in signal transmission) associated with using these types of sensors. Implementing use cases that demand fast transmission and cannot tolerate delays, such as smart lighting, is a challenging task with LPWAN.
Unlike most home automation gateways, the solution we put forward operates without internet or LAN access. The bidirectional LoRaWAN connection allows users to send automation configurations to a remote hub and then retrieve status information via the same connection. The transmission is secure and quick. To the best of our knowledge, the compression techniques we proposed for efficient transmission of automation rules have not been used for this purpose so far.


In contrast to most home automation gateways, our solution does not require internet or LAN connectivity. It includes a software client that enables remote configuration and monitoring of automations. The user interface is simple to use and works across multiple platforms (mobile phone/computer). The software runs on a remote hub, manages Zigbee and Nodered automations, and facilitates LoRaWAN communication between user interfaces.
During the project we get in touch with developers and home automation enthusiasts through online channels. We intend to use these contacts beyond the project’s duration to build a user base. This community should be open to everyone, allowing them to exchange information about custom home automation setups, ask questions, gather feedback, and get advice on how to solve common problems.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!

Department of Computer Science and Security
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
P: +43/2742/313 228 692
Netidee (IPA)
02/09/2024 – 12/31/2024
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Forschungsgruppe Secure Societies
Institute of IT Security Research