Politics Workshop: The Political Dimension of Social Work from Different Perspectives

Social Work is closely connected with societal framework conditions that have a significant influence on its practice. For example, the legislation plays a major role when it comes to determining the rules and resources available for social services. It is a matter of controversy to what extent Social Work can and should actively influence these framework conditions.

The project “Politics Workshop” is aimed at deepening this debate and developing a better understanding of the relationship between Social Work and politics. The students collectively examine how Social Work becomes politically active in order to promote social justice, social cohesion, and people’s autonomy.

There are two levels to the project: the joint project phase and the students’ bachelor theses. During the joint project phase, the team members apply various methods such as literature review, exchange with practitioners, self-reflection, and skill training. The students’ bachelor theses are based on qualitative research methods and/or the development of practical action concepts and are supervised by the lecturers who serve as coaches.

The project wants to contribute to exploring the relationship between Social Work and politics and to develop a deeper understanding of said relationship. It promotes the involved persons’ political competence and strengthens their ability to actively influence political processes. The insights gained will be incorporated into the design of the course “Political Workshop” that will be firmly anchored in the curriculum of the study programme from the winter semester 2025/26.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!

Department Soziales
Location: F - Herzogenburger Straße 68 Süd
M: +43/676/847 228 558
09/01/2024 – 06/30/2025
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research