Regional Mobility-Lab Amstetten - Waidhofen/Ybbs

A regional mobility lab for new mobility concepts in rural areas.


Mobility labs tackle challenges related to traffic and mobility. They investigate novel technology and search for practical solutions. To gain a comprehensive understanding of these issues, they actively engage with a wide range of stakeholders and affected parties. Key topics include first and last mile logistics, goods logistics, and active mobility.

There are currently only a few regional mobility labs (RML), and although they pursue similar goals as their urban counterparts, they face different challenges due to the lower population and building density in rural areas. This also shows in the modal split (i.e., the distribution of transport volume and performance among different modes of transport), as the share of trips made by public transport or on foot is generally lower in smaller towns. Regional mobility labs support research in this area, draw conclusions based on collected data, disseminate and pave the way for new, sustainable transport concepts.

Project Content

In the preliminary feasibility study AM.mobility.lab, we laid the groundwork for a regional mobility lab in the Amstetten region. We consulted experts and held workshops to identify the main traffic-related challenges in the Amstetten region and to highlight the benefits of a regional mobility lab. Since the neighboring region of Waidhofen/Ybbs shares an important traffic axis with Amstetten, the mobility lab aims to operate across municipal boundaries. This allows for the development of more viable and far-reaching solutions by considering traffic in a thorough manner. To benefit from their expertise and create synergies to advance the mobility transition we also seek cooperation with the Upper Austrian MobiLab2.0.

The AmWy.mobility lab focuses on passenger and goods mobility in the region. Establishing a mobility database, communicating obtained knowledge, and promoting new kinds of mobility are key issues. To showcase its utility the mobility lab aims to support the development of sustainable mobility solutions for the Lower Austria State Exhibition 2026.

Goals and Initiatives

Compared to larger Austrian cities, the Amstetten-Waidhofen/Ybbs region currently shows a clear dominance of motorized individual transport. Therefore, new, innovative approaches are needed to bring about a change in mobility behaviour. In addition, the situation in goods transport also calls for new concepts.  The following are key concerns and the main steps of the project:

  • Networking activities in the region on the topic of mobility. Participatory processes with the involvement of all relevant stakeholder groups and the population are central in this process.
  • Opening new perspectives, showcasing alternatives, and supporting the development of new transport concepts based on existing regional structures.
  • Going beyond municipal and regional boundaries in approaching the topic.
  • Initiating a broad-based knowledge transfer, making information easily accessible for businesses, institutions (e.g., from education, health, culture, etc.), municipalities, and the population. Content, solution approaches, and best practice examples are communicated in a target group-oriented manner.
  • Data on passenger and goods transport from the regions involved are structured and made available.
  • Initiating and supporting projects to improve passenger and goods mobility in the region. A concrete example is contributing to the development of a traffic concept for the Lower Austria State Exhibition 2026.

Overall, the mobility lab aims to promote sustainable mobility solutions developed in the region for the benefit of as many stakeholders as possible.


The regional mobility lab AmWy.mobility supports rural areas in achieving sustainable mobility solutions by addressing their specific needs and challenges. Stakeholders are involved in every stage of the project, collaborating to develop innovative and sustainable mobility solutions. This participatory approach empowers stakeholders, ensures their voices are heard, and secures broad support for promising changes. Collaboration with the MobiLab2.0 and other initiatives strengthens cross-regional networks, promotes knowledge transfer, and extends the project's impact beyond the region.


Project Partners



The FFG is the central national funding organisation and strengthens Austria's innovative power. This project is funded by the FFG and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!

Senior Researcher Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 481
Project manager
  • Stadtgemeinde Amstetten
  • Stadtgemeinde Waidhofen/Ybbs
FFG (Mobilität 2023)
07/01/2024 – 06/30/2029
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
Institute for Innovation Systems