StilvA -Braking system for marshalling humps

The aim of the project StilvA (Study for an innovative low-noise and low-wear braking system), is the development of new braking technologies for marshalling humps

Shunting stations, serving as distribution centers in the transport chain, are important components of the rail freight transport. They entail significant costs as well as produce increasing noise around the shunting areas due to roll off operations. In Austria it is continuously strived to improve the railway system. This addresses also noise reduction in all shunting stations. The aim of this project is to give a wider overview of technologies and methods with which, at least partly automatized brake/deceleration of a freely rolling fright car are possible. The challenge is that they go beyond the state of the art and the scientific research, highly innovative, but which nevertheless provide application opportunity.

First, at abstract level, ideas should be collected and sketched with the help of a modern innovation process. This open-ended approach leads to investigation of technologies and methods that are still innovative but their application in the field of railway or in other applied technic are very limited or had no opportunity to be used at all.    

These ideas will be evaluated together with the client based on the defined criteria (LCC, automation capacity, integration to existing facilities, wear/abrasion, noise,…). Afterwards, an alternative with more promising application will be provided. For the evaluation, the performance of a freight car at the hump will be analyzed using a simulation tool, which is developed by FH St. Poelten. The important physical parameters for braking (force, length,…) will be determined by the impact speed <= 1,25 m/sec as given in the call and the data on the vehicle and infrastructure, including other influencing factors (e.g. wind speed).

This alternative will be deeply analyzed as well as will either be evaluated by using an excellent simulation or possibly tested and validated practically by a laboratory or field test. This will be performed together with the external partners, who have big expertise in the field. The result will be processed scenarios which are ready for implementation. With this it is possible to provide the client a solid basis for the subsequent call for installation of the facility and/or a prototype.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!

Head of Department
Academic Director Rail Technology and Mobility (BA)
Head of Research Institute
Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
Deputy Academic Director Rail Technology and Management of Railway Systems (MA)
Department of Rail Technology and Mobility
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 664


Michelberger, F. (2019, November 19). Ergebnisse des Projekt StilvA [Vortrag]. Verkehrsinfrastrukturforschung Forum 2019, Wien, Österreich.
Michelberger, F., Wagner, A., & Kalteis, M. (2019). Potentiale für die Optimierung der Abbremsung am Rollberg von Verschubbahnhöfen des Einzelwagenverkehr. In Jahrbuch der Logistikforschung (pp. 167–178). TRAUNER Verlag + Buchservice GmbH.
Wagner, A., Heil, G., & Michelberger, F. (2019). Marshalling Yards: Noise reduction by variable rolling resistance. Novi Horizonti, Doboj.
Wagner, A., & Michelberger, F. (2019). Optimierungsmöglichkeiten von Kolbenkleinbremsen in Rangierbahnhöfen. 02/2019.
Wagner, A., & Michelberger, F. (2019). Optimierungsmöglichkeiten von Kolbenkleinbremsen in Rangierbahnhöfen. 02/2019.
Michelberger, F., Fabian, C., Jungwirth, M., Kalteis, M., Merschak, S., Stadlmann, B., Stock, L., & Wagner, A. (2018). Ergebnisbericht Projekt StilvA - Studie für eine innovative, lärm- und verschleißarme Bremsung am Abrollberg (INFONETZ) [Endbericht]. Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH.
Martin Kalteis
Lukas-Immanuel Stock
  • FH OÖ Forschungs- & Entwicklungs- GmbH
BMVIT/FFG – Verkehrsinfrastrukturforschung 2015
09/01/2016 – 08/31/2018
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research