
In the year 2023, St. Pölten UAS researchers produced 191 publications based on their scientific work.

The university is committed to making knowledge publicly accessible and supports open access publications. It is one of the first Austrian universities of applied sciences to sign the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities. Click here for further information on the topic of open access, as well as a link to St Pölten UAS’s open access database.

Top Publications
Ordered by year and author
Knoll, O. (2010). Der Weg zu den neuen Niederösterreichischen Landesbahnen: Vol. Zwischen Wald-und Weinviertel. 100 Jahre Lokalbahn Retz – Drosendorf. Fassbaender.
Knoll, O. (2010). Abschied von der Lokalbahn Lambach – Haag am Hausruck. Eisenbahn, 3/2010, 4/2010, 5/2010.
Litschka, M., & Grechenig, K. (2010). Law by Human Intent or Evolution? Some Remarks on the Austrian School of Economics’ Role in the Development of Law and Economics. European Journal of Law and Economics, 29, 57–79.
Slobodanka, T., Fensel, A., & Pellegrini, T. (2010). SESAME demonstrator: ontologies, services and policies for energy efficiency. I-Semantics 2010. 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems, New York.
von Suess, R. (2010). Vorwort. In ExpertInnen im Dialog Kurzseminare und Symposien für Filmschaffende von heute und morgen (p. 9). EUXXL FORUM FÜR EUROPÄISCHEN FILM.
Adrian Paschke, Nicola Henze, & Tassilo Pellegrini (Eds.). (2010). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems. ACM.
Krone, J., & Pellegrini, T. (2009). Ökonomisierung des Datentransports im Internet und seine Auswirkungen auf den öffentlich-rechtlichen AV-.Sektor – Netzneutralität und breitbandiger Content. DGPuK-Fachgruppentagung, Hamburg.
Pellegrini, T., Auer, S., Tochtermann, K., & Schaffert, S. (Eds.). (2009). Networked Knowledge - Networked Media: Integrating Knowledge Management, New Media Technologies and Semantic Systems (1st ed.). Springer.
Pellegrini, T., Weigand, H., Behrendt, W., Tochtermann, K., & Paschke, A. (Eds.). (2009). Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Semantic Systems. Journal of Universal Computer Science.
Rametsteiner, H. (2009). Branchen Tracking - Die kontinuierliche Wirkungsmessung von Medien. Transfer, Werbeforschung & Praxis, 03/2009, 43–47.
Rubisch, J., Jaksche, M., & Raffaseder, H. (2009). Generative Music for Media Applications (GeMMA) - Towards Automated Design and Production of Media Related Music. Proceedings of the Audio Mostly Conference, 49–50.
Schmiedl, G., Seidl, M., & Temper, K. (2009). Usage and Usability of the Mobile Web. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services - MobileHCI "09, 2.
Julian Rubisch, Matthias Husinsky, & Hannes Raffaseder. (2009, Mai). AllThatSounds: Associative, semantic categorization of audio data. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Auditory Display. 15th International Conference on Auditory Display, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Knoll, O. (2008). Das Wieselbus-System (deutsch und englisch). Verlag der UITP.
Knoll, O. (2008). Projekt Stadt-Regionalbahn Gmunden. Eisenbahn, Verlag Minirex AG, Luzern, 7/2008.
Raffaseder, H., & Parker, M. (2008). Sound-Transformation and Re-Mixing in Real-Time. In Transdisciplinary digital art : sound, vision and the new screen : digital art weeks and interactive futures 2006 2007, Zurich, Switzerland and Victoria, BC, Canada, selected papers (Vol. 7). Springer.
Rubisch, J., Raffaseder, H., & Husinsky, M. (2008). AllThatSounds: Associative Semantic Indexing of Audio Data. Proceedings of the Audio Mostly Conference, 117–120.
Jan Schmidt, & Tassilo Pellegrini. (2008). Das Social Semantic Web aus kommunikationssoziologischer Perspektive. In Social Semantic Web (pp. 453–469). Springer.
Sören Auer, Sebastian Schaffert, & Tassilo Pellegrini (Eds.). (2008). Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Semantic Systems. Journal of Universal Computer Science.
Raffaseder, H. (2007). staTdT_kunst – an Intermedia-Performance. Proceedings of the Conference "Audio Mostly 2007", TU Illmenau. "Audio Mostly 2007", TU Illmenau.