Josef Ressel Zentrum für konsolidierte Erkennung gezielter Angriffe (TARGET)


Gromann, D., Lardelli, M., Spiel, K., Burtscher, S., Klausner, L. D., Mettinger, A., Miladinovic, I., Schefer-Wenzl, S., Duh, D., & Bühn, K. (2023). Participatory Research as a Path to Community-Informed, Gender-Fair Machine Translation. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Gender-Inclusive Translation Technologies, 49–59.
Burtscher, S., Spiel, K., Klausner, L. D., Lardelli, M., & Gromann, D. (2022). „Es geht um Respekt, nicht um Technologie“: Erkenntnisse aus einem Interessensgruppen-übergreifenden Workshop zu genderfairer Sprache und Sprachtechnologie. Tagungsband Der Mensch Und Computer 2022, 106–1118.
Eresheim, S. (2020). Cybersecurity Containment Agent. Machine Learning Prague 2020.
Luh, R., & Schrittwieser, S. (2019). Advanced threat intelligence: detection and classification of anomalous behavior in system processes. E \& i Elektrotechnik Und Informationstechnik, Springer, 1–7.
Pirker, M. (2019, November 22). More Data - More Security? [Invited Talk]. TOP Alumni Club, TU Wien.
Pirker, M. (2019, October 23). Digitale Probleme....für Alle! PrivacyWeek, Wien.
Schrittwieser, S. (2019, September 26). Sicherheit von Container-Virtualisierung [Invited Talk]. IDC Security Roadshow Vienna, Wien.
Luh, R. (2019). Advanced Threat Intelligence: Interpretation of Anomalous Behavior in Ubiquitous Kernel Processes [Dissertation]. De Monfort University Leicester.
Luh, R., Janicke, H., & Schrittwieser, S. (2019). AIDIS: Detecting and classifying anomalous behavior in ubiquitous kernel processes. Computers & Security, 84, 120–147.
Wenzl, M., Merzdovnik, G., Ullrich, J., & Weippl, E. (2019). From Hack to Elaborate Technique—A Survey on Binary Rewriting. ACM Computing Surveys, 52(3 / Artikel 49).
Pirker, M. (2019, March 29). (Big) Data (Science) für Security [Invited Talk]. Vienna Data Science Group, Wien.
Pirker, M. (2019, February 26). Robustes Parsen von Inputdaten. Sec4dev, Wien.
Eresheim, S., Klausner, L. D., & Kochberger, P. (2019). Anomaly Detection Support Using Process Classification. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Security and Assurance, 27–40.
Dam, T., Klausner, L. D., Buhov, D., & Schrittwieser, S. (2019). Large-Scale Analysis of Pop-Up Scam on Typosquatting URLs. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, 53:1-53:9.
Schrittwieser, S. (2019, 08.-16.08). Software Protection through Obfusction - Can it keep pace with progress in code analysis? [Invited Talk]. Dagstuhl Seminar on Software Protection Decision Support and Evaluation Methodologies, Dagstuhl.
Dabrowski, A., Merzdovnik, G., Ullrich, J., Sendera, G., & Weippl, E. (2019). Measuring cookies and Web privacy in a post-GDPR world. Passive and Active Measurement, pp 258-270.
Kurniawan, K., Ekelhart, A., Fröschl, A., & Ekaputra, F. (2019). Semantic integration and monitoring of file system activity. Semantic Systems. The Power of AI and Knowledge Graphs, Artikel Nummer 17.
Luh, Robert, Temper, M., Tjoa, S., & Schrittwieser, S. (2018). APT RPG: Design of a Gamified Attacker/Defender Meta Model. International Workshop on FORmal Methods for Security Engineering. International Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering.
Luh, R., Schramm, G., Wagner, M., Janicke, H., & Schrittwieser, S. (2018). SEQUIN: a grammar inference framework for analyzing malicious system behavior. Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, 01–21.
Kieseberg, P., Frühwirt, P., & Schrittwieser, S. (2017). Security Testing for Mobile Applications. ERCIM News, 109, 52–53. - KIESEBERG - Pages from EN109-web.pdf
Kieseberg, P., Weippl, E., & Schrittwieser, S. (2017). Forensics using Internal Database Structures. ERCIM News, 108.
Luh, R., Schrittwieser, S., Janicke, H., & Marschalek, S. (2017). Design of an Anomaly-based Threat Detection & Explication System. Third International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, Madeira, Portugal.
Eresheim, S., Luh, R., & Schrittwieser, S. (2017). The Evolution of Process Hiding Techniques in Malware – Current Threats and Possible Countermeasures. Journal of Information Processing.
Luh, R., Schramm, G., Wagner, M., & Schrittwieser, S. (2017). Sequitur-based Inference and Analysis Framework for Malicious System Behavior. First International Workshop on Formal Methods for Security Engineering.
Rauchberger, J., Luh, R., & Schrittwieser, S. (2017). Longkit - A Universal Framework for BIOS/UEFI Rootkits in System Management Mode. Third International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, Madeira, Portugal.
Kim, J., Kim, K., Cho, J., Kim, H., & Schrittwieser, S. (2017). Hello, Facebook! Here is the stalkers" paradise!: Design and analysis of enumeration attack using phone numbers on Facebook. 13th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC 2017).
Luh, R., Schrittwieser, S., & Marschalek, S. (2017). LLR-based Sentiment Analysis for Kernel Event Sequences. 31th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications.
Malle, B., Kieseberg, P., Schrittwieser, S., & Holzinger, A. (2016). Privacy Aware Machine Learning and the Right to be Forgotten. ERCIM News, 107.
Kieseberg, P., Weippl, E., & Schrittwieser, S. (2016). Detection of Data Leaks in Collaborative Data Driven Research. ERCIM News, 105.
Kieseberg, P., Weippl, E., & Schrittwieser, S. (2016). Forensics using Internal Database Structures. ERCIM News, 108.
Luh, R., Schrittwieser, S., & Marschalek, S. (2016). TAON: An Ontology-based Approach to Mitigating Targeted Attacks. International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS).
Marschalek, S., Kaiser, M., Luh, R., & Schrittwieser, S. (2016). Empirical Malware Research through Observation of System Behaviour. First Workshop on Empirical Research Methods in Information Security, 467–469.
Buhov, D., Thron, R., & Schrittwieser, S. (2016). Catch Me If You Can! Transparent Detection Of Shellcode. the 2016 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA).
Pirker, M., & Nusser, A. (2016). A Work-Flow for Empirical Exploration of Security Events. 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web. 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web.
Wegerer, M., & Tjoa, S. (2016). Defeating the Database Adversary Using Deception – A MySQL Database Honeypot. 2016 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA).
Luh, R., Marschalek, S., Kaiser, M., Janicke, H., & Schrittwieser, S. (2016). Semantics-aware detection of targeted attacks – A survey. Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, 1–39.
Pirker, M., & Nusser, A. (2016). Assessment of Server State via Inter-Clone Differences. 2016 International Conference on Software Security and Assurance (ICSSA).
Rottermanner, C., Kieseberg, P., Huber, M., Schmiedecker, M., & Schrittwieser, S. (2015). Privacy and Data Protection in Smartphone Messengers. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications Services (IiWAS2015).
Wagner, M., Fischer, F., Luh, R., Haberson, A., Rind, A., Keim, D. A., & Aigner, W. (2015). A Survey of Visualization Systems for Malware Analysis. In R. Borgo, F. Ganovelli, & I. Viola (Eds.), Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) - STARs (pp. 105–125). The Eurographics Association.
Marschalek, S., Luh, R., Kaiser, M., & Schrittwieser, S. (2015). Classifying Malicious System Behavior using Event Propagation Trees. Proceedings of the 17th International Con- Ference on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications Services (IiWAS2015).
Wagner, M., Aigner, W., Rind, A., Dornhackl, H., Kadletz, K., Luh, R., & Tavolato, P. (2014). Problem Characterization and Abstraction for Visual Analytics in Behavior-Based Malware Pattern Analysis. In L. Harrison (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Visualization for Cyber Security (pp. 9–16). ACM.
Luh, R., & Tavolato, P. (2011). Automatische verhaltensbasierte Malware-Analyse. Hackin9, 11.