Development of Master Gamified Reality Applications for Real-world Challenges and Experiences.


Current advances in technologies such as extended reality (XR) or artificial intelligence (AI) change the way people learn and acquire new skills. While the development of XR applications in simulated or real-world environments for training, therapy, education, or maintenance has long been underway, there is currently a lack of specialized master's programs that combine XR with aspects of gamification, didactics, and game technologies. To fill this void, the European University Alliance E3UDRES2 partner universities, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (STPUAS), Saxion University of Applied Sciences (SAXION), and Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (VIDZEME), pool their resources to create a new joint master's of science program (EMJM).This course will introduce computer science students to innovative XR and gamification-based learning systems, as well as prepare them for future employment in a developing sector.

Project Content

XR is already being used in a wide range of fields and industries. For instance, XR provides a more effective and less intrusive way to treat patients, aids in simulating work environments and in training employees in industries such as construction, retail, and manufacturing. Other domains where XR technologies have been effectively deployed include ambient assisted living, theatre, television, emergency services, museology, and tourism. As Extended Reality (XR) technologies provide safe, controlled environments for complex skill learning, allowing learners to make mistakes with no real-world consequences, it can break new grounds in education as well. To tap into this potential the project partners plan to set up a joint study programme with focus on gamification in XR. This joint study programme represents a crucial step towards the realization of a 'multi-university campus across Europe.' However, to bring the vision of a European university to fruition we must address challenges related to accreditation, degree format, cross-institutional administrative and technical infrastructures, and the harmonization of national regulations. In alignment with this vision, we are pioneering new approaches to teaching and learning, moving away from mass education, and embracing individual and flexible learning paths that extend beyond national borders.

Goals and Important Steps

A master's degree program in gamification for XR holds substantial potential to meet demands in fields such as health, smart engineering, and education. The goal is not just to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed for future professions, but also to address the scarcity of gamification experts for XR. We also contribute to the development of a common European University along the lines of the European Year of Skills 2023 and the European Commission's priorities of "A Europe fit for the digital age" and "An economy that works for people."

We pursue the following aims with this master’s programme:

  • To examine the possibilities of gamification in conjunction with XR to answer to social demands in the fields of health, smart engineering, and education.
  • To increase students' employability by meeting the expectations of the labour market for professionals skilled in the application of gamification for XR, both now and in the future.
  • To improve the educational portfolios of the participating universities and regions, as well as to accelerate the establishment of a common European university.
  • To motivate students to engage in research, and to provide opportunities for them to pursuefurther studies, such as within PhD programmes.


All necessary steps to meet the standards for a potential EMJM application are being performed in the current project. As a result, the primary outcome is a completely integrated curriculum that is ready for submission.

The development of joint study programs and degrees is a key step in achieving one of the E3UDRES2 goals of establishing a "multi-university campus across Europe." The development of a study program with a global perspective is not only another milestone in university internationalisation plans but is also in line with the idea of a Europe that empowers people through education and skills.

Further information can be found at


Project Partners




You want to know more? Feel free to ask!

Academic Director GRACE - Gamified Reality Applications for Real-World Challenges and Experiences* (MA)
Academic Director E³UDRES²
International Coordinator
Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Location: A - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 655
  • Saxion UAS [The Netherlands]
  • Vidzeme AUS [Latvia]
EACEA Erasmus +
10/01/2023 – 12/31/2024
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies