RADIX- learning system

A novel learning platform that facilitates communication and interaction between students and teachers.


The majority of Learning Management Systems (LMS) are almost exclusively used to manage data as a kind of digital filing cabinet and fail to tap the potential modern software architectures offer. In most cases teachers are working with a small set of functionalities only and students mainly download and upload files. As it is often not possible to interact with other users or exchange learning content via the platform, students organize themselves outside the LMS, resort to conventional social platforms for communication, or switch to more attractive eLearning alternatives that can be found on the internet.

Apart from a being a data repository, many LMS offer no added value. They do not actively support students, do a bad a job in making innovative digital learning material available for classroom lessons, and often have user interfaces that are difficult to operate. The inflexible learning paths experienced by most students are outdated and do not meet the demands of a modern learning environment.

Project content and goals

In the RADIX project we develop a new learning system that fixes the shortcomings and problems of existing learning platforms. A core element of the RADIX learning platform are the extended (when compared to LWS currently used) possibilities for interaction. We envision a platform that fosters a lively exchange among its users, that actively supports learners in the learning process and teachers in their teaching activities. Not only do we aim for more communication between people; the system itself is also intended to interact with its users on the basis of machine learning methods.

Overall, the RADIX learning system is an interactive and social learning environment for both students and teachers. It allows to fill the platform with eLearning content, quickly adapt it to different purposes and to specific needs in a highly individualized way.


Students motivate and learn from each other. For this reason an easily accessible  communication platform, which facilitates the exchange of knowledge and social learning, is at the heart of the RADIX system.

RADIX employs machine learning techniques helping instructors to learn about the effectiveness of their course materials and to gain better insight into students’ progress. Thus, instructors are able to make data-informed decisions on what kind of support students need. Students, on the other hand, receive targeted feedback and motivation boosts. In addition, gamification elements (techniques borrowed from games to increase motivation) are integrated to make the learning progress tangible and further motivate students.

To test the suitability of the system for everyday use, a pilot study is being conducted by Thomas Delissen from the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten. The participants use the RADIX learning system to organize themselves and communicate with the course instructor and other students. The pilot study provides valuable feedback on the systems’ weaknesses, where it requires improvement and how to better tailor it to the needs of its users.


RADIX builds a learning environment that, on the one hand, provides students with an interactive digital learning experience and, on the other hand, supports teachers in their role as learning facilitators. The platform enables and promotes communication between all its users and gives data-driven feedback on learning materials and learning progress. At the end of the project, a market-ready learning system with functionalities and features that go beyond conventional learning platforms should be available.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!

Deputy Academic Director Data Intelligence (MA)
Department of Computer Science and Security
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 704
FGG (Kleinprojekt)
08/01/2022 – 04/30/2023
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Institute of IT Security Research