
Supporting students in learning how to read, understand, and construct data-visualizations.


The amount and complexity of data have grown tremendously in the last decades. Consequently, tools to support people in handling the enormous amounts of data are in urgently needed. One way to accomplish this is using visualizations. They take advantage of the powerful human perceptual system, which is adept at spotting patterns in visual input and making sense of it.

Project Content

Visualization processes transform data into graphical representations. The transformation processes need to be fully transparent to enable users to reconstruct and decode the visual representations and draw sound conclusion about the underlying data. Even though humans are “visual beings” and understand visual representations more easily than other forms of data representations, the skills to create, read and interpret visualizations need to be acquired and trained. Unlike reading and writing text, people usually do not learn these skills in the course of their school education. Hence, most users have difficulties working with visual representations or identifying characteristics of the data on which they are based. 


The goal of this research project is to explore how digital learning materials need to be designed and which pedagogical methods are best-suited to raise the level of visualization literacy (i.e., constructing and interpreting data-visualizations) in school education. We tap into the power of visualization grammars, that formally describe the visual mapping and data transformation processes and enable a (semi-)automated creation of learning materials.


We use a combination of well-established qualitative and quantitative methods based on a user-centred design cycle. The target group are students from the age of 14 up to 19. A central element of the project are co-creation workshops, in which the target group is actively involved – specifically in the analysis and requirements process as well as in the design and evaluation steps. For teaching we employ learning materials based on videos and animations, educational games, textual descriptions with graphics, and visualization technologies (i.e., visualization grammars). The resulting technical framework and guidelines for the design and integration of learning materials on data visualizations will be made available for education institutions and teachers.


The project tackles challenges that arise in teaching competences on data visualization. Our approach, which makes use of interactive learning materials such as video and animation, educational games, and a website with textual descriptions for graphics, breaks new grounds; specifically, as we target students from the age of 14 to 19 years. Also, utilizing declarative visualization technology (i.e., visualization grammars) for creating learning materials in an (semi-) automated way is a completely new idea with substantial innovation potential. With the integration of our learning materials in the daily educational routine, the level of visualization literacy of students can be improved significantly. As we develop a technical framework and guidelines for the design and integration of learning materials for data visualizations, teachers, education institutions, as well as students in lectureships will benefit from the outcomes of the project.



You want to know more? Feel free to ask!

Deputy Head of Faculty of Engineering and Business
Location: B - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 611


Aigner, W. (2025, January 13). Wintergraph 2025 - Research Area - Data Visualization. 18th Visual Computing Winter Workshop Austria (Wintergraph 2025), Kaprun.
Pohl, M., Stoiber, C., Potzmann, B., & Aigner, W. (2025). Inconspicuous Guides: A Qualitative Co-Design Study to Understanding the Degree of Intrusiveness in Visualization Onboarding. 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. IVAPP, Porto, Portugal.
Aigner, W. (2024, December 6). Visualization and Multimodal Exploration of Time-Oriented Data. SFB-TRR 161 "Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing," Stuttgart, Germany.
Rind, A., Blasinger, A., Enge, K., Grassinger, F., Oliveira, V. A. de. J., & Zauchinger, M. (2024, May 24). Wie können wir Daten erlebbar machen? [Demo & Poster]. Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024, St. Pölten.
Aigner, W. (2024, May 16). Visualization of Time-Oriented Data. Shonan Seminar 189: Advancing Visual Computing in Materials Science, Shonan, Japan.
Aigner, W. (2024, April 15). Visualization of Time-Oriented Data. Seminar "Information Technology Outlook" - PhD Programme in Computer Science and Mathematics, Bari, Italy.
Boucher, M., Stoiber, C., Keck, M., de Jesus Oliveira, V. A., & Aigner, W. (2024). The Comic Construction Kit: An Activity for Students to Learn and Explain Data Visualizations. IEEE VIS 2024, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
Boucher, M., Stoiber, C., Kejstová, M., Kandlhofer, M., Ertl, A., Kriglstein, S., & Aigner, W. (2024). Mapping the Landscape of Data Visualizations in Schools and STEM Educational Resources. Proceedings of the 26th Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2024) - Education Papers, 9 pages.
Boucher, M., Stoiber, C., Boucher, A., Wu, H.-Y., Aigner, W., & De Jesus Oliveira, V. A. (2024). Comixplain: Comics on Visualization Foundations in Higher Education. Poster at IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS 2024).
Stoiber, C., Moitzi, D., Stitz, H., Grassinger, F., Geo Prakash, A. S., Girardi, D., Streit, M., & Aigner, W. (2024). VisAhoi: Towards the Semi-Automated Generation of Visualization Onboarding Using High-level Visualization Grammars. Visual Informatics.
Aigner, W., Di Francescomarino, C., Schuster, D., Turkay, C., & Zerbato, F. (2024). Human in the (Process) Mines (Dagstuhl Seminar 23271) -- Working group on Visual Process Mining: from Interaction to Knowledge. Dagstuhl Reports, 13(6), 1–33.
Rajabiyazdi, F., Keck, M., Stoiber, C., C. Roberts, J., Subramonyam, H., Ge, L., Boucher, M., & Bach, B. (2024). EduVis: 2nd IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities. Workshop IEEE VIS"24, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA.
Aigner, W. (2023, October 30). Multimodal Data Exploration. Seminar "Information Technology Outlook" - PhD Programme in Computer Science and Mathematics, Bari, Italy.
Aigner, W. (2023, May 22). Visualization Literacy & Onboarding. VRVis Forum #176 | Digital Humanism, Vienna, Austria.
Hinrichs, U., Aigner, W., Chen, P., Panagiotidou, G., Hayes, S., Hogan, T., Losev, T., Manches, A., Morais, L., Nagel, T., Noonan, R., Meirelles, I., Aerts, J., Alkadi, M., Boucher, M., Diehl, A., Huber, C., Keck, M., Kinkeldey, C., … Huron, S. (2023). Visualization Empowerment: How to Teach and Learn Data Visualization (Dagstuhl Seminar 22261) – working groups on physicalization, teaching methods, and challenges. Dagstuhl Reports, 12(6), 83–111.
Bach, B., Keck, M., Rajabiyazdi, F., Losev, T., Meirelles, I., Dykes, J., Laramee, R. S., AlKadi, M., Stoiber, C., Huron, S., Perin, C., Morais, L., Aigner, W., Kosminsky, D., Boucher, M., Knudsen, S., Manataki, A., Aerts, J., Hinrichs, U., … Carpendale, S. (2023). Challenges and Opportunities in Data Visualization Education: A Call to Action. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 30(1), 649–660.
Stoiber, C., Emrich, Š., & Aigner, W. (2023). Design Guidelines for Visualization Onboarding Concepts in Data Journalism [Vortrag]. STS Conference, Graz.
Stoiber, C., Moitzi, D., Stitz, H., Girardi, D., Streit, M., & Aigner, W. (2023). Design of Visualization Onboarding Concepts for a 2D Scatterplot of Biomedical Visual Analytics Tools. VisComm Workshop, IEEE VIS, Melbourne, Australia.
Stoiber, C., Emrich, Š., & Aigner, W. (2023). dAn-oNo: Learning Environment for Data Journalists Teaching Data Analytics Principles. EduVis Workshop, IEEE VIS, Melbourne, Australia.
Boucher, M., Bach, B., Stoiber, C., Wang, Z., & Aigner, W. (2023). Educational Data Comics: What can Comics do for Education in Visualization? Workshop on Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities (EduVis), 34–40.
Stoiber, C., Pohl, M., & Aigner, W. (2023). Design Actions for the Design of Visualization Onboarding Methods. EduVis Workshop, IEEE VIS, Melbourne, Australia.
Aigner, W., Miksch, S., Schumann, H., & Tominski, C. (2023). Visualization of Time-Oriented Data (2nd ed.). Springer.
Pohl, M., Potzmann, B., Stoiber, C., & Aigner, W. (2023). Visualization Onboarding Designed by Users: an Empirical Study. CELDA 2023. 20th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
Keck, M., Huron, S., Panagiotidou, G., Stoiber, C., Rajabiyazdi, F., Perin, C., C. Roberts, J., & Bach, B. (2023). EduVis: Workshop on Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities. Workshop IEEE VIS"23, Melbourne, Australia.
Aerts, J., Aigner, W., Bach, B., Bishop, F., Boucher, M., Cheng, P. C.-H., Diehl, A., Dykes, J., Hayes, S., Hinrichs, U., Huron, S., Kinkeldey, C., Kirk, A., Knudsen, S., Kosminsky, D., Losev, T., Manataki, A., Manches, A., Meirelles, I., … Wesley Willett. (2022). Me-ifestos for Visualization Empowerment in Teaching (and Learning?). Alt.Vis. IEEE VIS.
Stoiber, C., Grassinger, F., & Aigner, W. (2022). Abstract and Concrete Materials: What to use for Visualization Onboarding. The 15th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (Vinci 2022). VINCI 2022, Chur, Switzerland.
Boucher, M., Stoiber, C., & Aigner, W. (2022). Using Data Comics to Enhance Visualization Literacy. Proc. 24th Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2022) - Posters, 3.
Roberts, J. C., Bach, B., Boucher, M., Chevalier, F., Diehl, A., Hinrichs, U., Huron, S., Kirk, A., Kudsen, S., Meirelles, I., NOONAN, R., Pelchmann, L., Rajabiyazdi, F., & Stoiber, C. (2022). Reflections and Considerations on Running Creative Visualization Learning Activities. Vis Guides Workshop. IEEE VIS, Oklahoma City, US.
Stoiber, C., Ceneda, D., Wagner, M., Schetinger, V., Gschwandtner, T., Streit, M., Miksch, S., & Aigner, W. (2022). Perspectives of visualization onboarding and guidance in VA. Visual Informatics, 6(1), 68–83.
  • Masaryk University/Simone Kriglstein [Tschechien]
  • Austrian Computer Society (OCG)/Martin Kandlhofer, Ronald Bieber
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03/01/2022 – 02/28/2025
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