Gabriele Permoser
Mag. Gabriele Permoser
Head of
Center for Research and Cooperation -
Head of Service Unit
Research and Knowledge Transfer - Center for Research and Cooperation
- Research and Knowledge Transfer
- E³UDRES² 2.0
- Accelerate_FutureHEI - Entrepreneurial & Innovative Universities Acceleration Programme
- E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators
- UASHome - DIGIHealth UASHome Incubators Boost Programme
- E.I.N.S. - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable European Regions
- E³UDRES² - Engaged - European - Entrepreneurial University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions
- STEM Upgrade by Creativity
- Digital Makers Hub
Permoser, G., & Raffaseder, H. (2018, August 29). Composing, orchestrating, conducting and interpreting innovation and digital transformation - What higher education institutions can learn from the evolution of digital music [Invited talk]. 40th EAIR Forum, Budapest, Hungary.
Permoser, G. (2018). Towards a Strategy for Digitalisation: A Practitioner Report from St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences [Invited talk]. Higher Education Digitalization Conference, Ulaanbaatar.
Permoser, G. (2017). Evaluating third mission. Towards a concept for small universities of applied sciences [Invited talk]. 39th EAIR Forum, Porto, Portugal.
Permoser, G., & Raffaseder, H. (2017). Opening the ivory tower - Third mission activities of small universities of applied sciences in context of economy 4.0 [Posterpräsentation]. 27th EURASHE Annual Conference, Le Havre, Frankreich.
Permoser, G., & Raffaseder, H. (2017). 7 Steps to Start-Up - An Approach to Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Small Universities of Applied Sciences [Posterpräsentation]. University-Industry Interaction Conference, Dublin, Irland.
Raffaseder, H., & Permoser, G. (2016). Towards a Platform for Collaborative Innovation: A Roadmap for a Small University of Applied Sciences. Practitioners Proceedings of the 2016 University-Industry Interaction Conference: Challenges and Solutions for Fostering Entrepreneurial Universities and Collaborative Innovation. 2016 University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam.
Permoser, G. (2016). 7 Ways to Start-up - The St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences" Way to Promote Student Entrepreneurship and Innovation and University-Industry Interaction [Invited talk]. International Triple Helix Conference 2016, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
Permoser, G., & Raffaseder, H. (2016). Evaluating Third Mission Activities - Towards a concept for smaller universities of applied sciences [Posterpräsentation]. Open Evaluation 2016 - Conference, Wien, Österreich.
Tomasch, R., Raffaseder, H., Schloder, K., & Permoser, G. (2016). Haus der Zukunft. Ein Science Center für die Stadt St. Pölten [Posterpräsentation]. 9. Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation, Bielefeld, Deutschland.