"CargoRider 2" is developing a new innovative mobility offer for easier use of cargo ships that is based on sustainability paradigms.

Speed is often the central requirement for a trip, which has led to an enormous increase in air travel in the last decades. But more recently there has also been a counter-trend where the journey is seen as integral part of the holiday: The cruise market is booming and long train trips - for example with the Orient Express or the Trans-Siberian Railway - are increasingly sought out by holiday makers. However, these types of travel mostly target well-situated travellers in their sixties and are therefore firmly located in the high-end segment.
Travelling cost-efficiently and sustainably via cargo ship
„CargoRider 2 – Development of a new, innovative mobility proposal for the easier use of cargo ship travel“ aims to offer younger travellers affordability, the possibility for flexible planning and an entertainment factor. In addition, there is virtually no added environmental burden caused because, unlike travels by cruise or plane no additional trips are undertaken.
In the preceding project "CargoRider" a feasibility study was conducted to investigate the demand for this way of travel and cost-efficiency. The results show conclusively that such a service is of great interest for the target group and possible to execute from technical and legal points of view.
The distinguishing feature of the "CargoRider" concept is that it is based on the well-known “interrail” concept of flexible and agile travel arrangement over a certain amount of time and deliberately targets a younger group of travellers.
Development of an innovative service design
For CargoRider 2 the researchers are collaborating with bitsfabrik GmbH – a company with focus on the development of tourism software and high expertise in the relevant technologies. The goal of the project is to develop the complete service design for this innovative mobility service, to build a prototype application including data interfaces and test it under controlled conditions.
Business models will be developed, for both the software product and the mobility service for cargo ships as a whole. The focus is on commercial use in European river traffic. Special attention will be paid to usability and user experience of the software, which are indispensable prerequisites for success, as well as to possible social implications of shared economy solutions.
High level of acceptance is assumed
The preceding project CargoRider has delivered positive results and received a lot of attention, both in the media and in the public at large. This further strengthens the case that a market for the offer exists.
CargoRider was presented at tecnet equity’s „research-to-value check-up" in summer 2017 which resulted in a recommendation to continue the project.
Three Research Institutes of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences are collaborating in "Cargo Rider 2": The Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research, the Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies, which is mainly responsible for Service Design and Customer Experience Design and the Institute of Media Economics, which is involved in the formulation of the operating concept.
Press coverage
Auf eine Abenteuerreise mit dem Frachtschiff
03/22/2019The FH St. Pölten is developing a platform for cargo ship journeys.
Medium: Der Standard
Author: Norbert Regitnig-Tillian
Forschung: Ein Schiff wird kommen
02/19/2019A digital platform is being developed at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences to make cargo ship journeys easier and more cost-effective.
Medium: DiePresse
Nimm mich mit, Frachtkapitän!
11/01/2016Medium: Hamburger Abendblatt
Author: Nico Binde
Österreicher planen eine Art Wasser-Interrail von Nowgorod bis Bordeaux
Interrail auf dem Wasser: Per Frachtschiff durch Europa
10/28/2016Medium: DiePresse.com
Author: Veronika Schmidt
Heimische Forscher entwickeln Routenplaner und ein Buchungssystem für Frachtschiffreisen. Die Webplattform soll diese Art zu reisen so einfach machen wie Interrail.
Mit dem Frachtschiff in den Urlaub
10/17/2016Medium: bmvit Infothek
Das Flugzeug ist das beliebteste Verkehrsmittel, will man große Distanzen zurücklegen. Eine mögliche Alternative ist die Fahrt auf hoher See. Eine Reise mit einem Frachtschiff kostet zwar mehr Zeit, ist aber mit Sicherheit ein besonderes Erlebnis.
Studierende der Fachhochschule St. Pölten entwickelten im Projekt CargoRider einen Prototypen für eine Plattform, um Reisen am Frachtschiff zu buchen. Mithilfe einer Landkarte werden alle europäischen Binnenhäfen dargestellt. Durch das Klicken auf einen Hafen werden alle Schiffe aufgelistet, die in den nächsten Tagen von dort wegfahren. Registrierte Benutzerinnen und Benutzer können eine Anfrage für ein gewünschtes Schiff stellen.
Mit dem Frachtschiff in den Urlaub
10/06/2016Medium: NÖN - Niederösterreichische Nachrichten
Der Sommer ist vorbei, viele Menschen waren wieder mit dem Flugzeug auf dem Weg in den Urlaub – dem beliebtesten Verkehrsmittel für große Distanzen. Eine Alternative sind Reisen auf Frachtschiffen, die derzeit nur von wenigen Reedereien angeboten werden. Die Fachhochschule St. Pölten entwickelte im Projekt CargoRider einen Prototyp für eine Plattform, um Reisen am Frachtschiff zu buchen. Testpersonen zeigten sich in einer Umfrage an dieser Reiseform durchaus interessiert.
Gernot Heil (former team member)
- bitsfabrik GmbH