Evaluating the extremism-prevention project “Jamal al-Khatib – Mein Weg” (second season) using qualitative and ethnographic research methods
The "Jamal al-Khatib-Mein Weg!" short films invite a discussion about violent fanaticism, but also about the lives of young Muslims in Austria and Europe, their everyday experiences and impressions of social conditions. The focus is on ways in and out of fanaticism.
In the first season, four short films were produced using the interplay of youth social work, Islamic studies, political science, psychology, film production, digital content management and involved young Muslims. Their experiences form the basis for the content that is conveyed to the dialogue group via the narrating character Jamal al-Khatib.
As part of an online campaign, the short films were published on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter and accompanied by online-streetwork. In the second season short films were produced in collaboration with the Federal Agency for Civic Education and the Erasmus+ Role Model Initiative. Based on autobiographical narratives, they show alternative narratives to jihadist propaganda.
In this second "Jamal al-Khatib-Mein Weg!" season an evaluation is not only done by the production team but also by researchers from the Ilse Arlt Institute for Social Inclusion Research using qualitative and ethnographic research methods.
Group discussions are held with the young people involved at the beginning and end of the project, as well as individual interviews with project staff.
In addition, observations are carried out and recorded during team meetings and film shooting. The analysis of the empirical data results in a final report that is published on the websites of “turn - Verein für Gewalt- und Extremismusprävention“ (turn- association for the prevention of violence and extremism) and the Federal Agency for Civic Education after the end of the project.
- Turn - Verein für Gewalt- und Extremismusprävention