
This research area aims to promote social participation and diversity, to strengthen the voice of clients, and to foster self-representation and self-organisation.



Framework to IMPROVE the Integration of Patient Generated Health Data to Facilitate Value Based Healthcare.

JMF – Young Refugees

Threat and Self-Assertion: Adolescents with Refugee Experience in the Nazi Era and Today.

DICHTE - Digitised Interprofessional Collaboration of Health Teams in Education

Digitised methods that support academic staff in organising person-centred, interprofessional health care education.


Socio-sPatial framework conditions for inclusive housing for persons with complex mental health needs in rURal and small-town areas


Nolz, P. (2024, April 16). Erweiterung der persönlichen Komfortzone unterrepräsentierter Gruppen in einem inklusiven Mobilitätssystem [Poster]. Österreichischer Radgipfel, Wiener Neustadt. https://radgipfel2024.at/programm
Nolz, P. (2024, April 16). Check and Leave for Environmental Action [Poster]. Österreichischer Radgipfel, Wiener Neustadt. https://radgipfel2024.at/programm
Horst, F., Hoitz, F., Slijepcevic, D., Schons, N., Beckmann, H., Nigg, B. M., & Schöllhorn, W. I. (2023). Identification of subject-specific responses to footwear during running. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 11284. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-38090-0
Slijepcevic, D., Zeppelzauer, M., Unglaube, F., Kranzl, A., Breiteneder, C., & Horsak, B. (2023). Towards more transparency: The utility of Grad-CAM in tracing back deep learning based classification decisions in children with cerebral palsy. Gait & Posture, 100, 32–33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.11.045
Anderluh, A., Moser, M., Pellegrini, T., Richter, L., Zahra, M., Hackl, R., Raffler, C., & Sempoch, C. (2023). CE4ALL - Kreislaufwirtschaft für alle: Incentives, Enabler und Inhibitoren für einen nachhaltigen Konsum (Berichte aus Energie- und Umweltforschung). BMK. https://fti-ressourcenwende.at/resources/pdf/schriftenreihe-2023-2_ce4all.pdf
Anderluh, A. (2022, December 12). The Circular Economy Cube [Vortrag mit Diskussion]. Lectures4Future, TU Wien.
Anderluh, A. (2022, November 25). CE4ALL – Consumers‘ perception of barriers and enablers in a circular economy [Vortrag mit Diskussion]. WU Speaker Series, WU Wien.
Aigner, W. (2022, November 18). Data and the City: Making data about the city and its people visible. Vienna Perspectives ― Art, Urban Space and Social In-/Equality, Vienna, Austria. https://muk.ac.at/veranstaltung/international-study-sessions-wiener-perspektiven-01.html
Slijepcevic, D., Horst, F., Simak, M., Lapuschkin, S., Raberger, A. M., Samek, W., Breiteneder, C., Schöllhorn, W. I., Zeppelzauer, M., & Horsak, B. (2022). Explaining machine learning models for age classification in human gait analysis. Gait & Posture, 97, S252–S253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2022.07.153
Anderluh, A., Moser, M., Richter, L., Stefan, B., Pellegrini, T., Mesbahi, Z., Raffler, C., & Hackl, R. (2022, Mai). The Circular Economy Cube. CloudEARTHi Conference 2022, Eisenstadt.
