Multi-touch Rocks: Playing with Tangible Virtual Heritage

There are over 50,000 petroglyphs engraved in rock panels at the Val Camonica valley UNESCO world heritage site in northern Italy. The engravings are not always visible and are often on steep slopes where walking is not allowed for conservation reasons.

Multi-touch Rocks: Playing with Tangible Virtual Heritage

To overcome these problems, and to allow people to experience the rock art at other locations, we designed a collaborative computer game for a multi-touch tabletop display. The game features a 3-gigapixel image of a full rock panel and several mini games designed to be played on the display panel. We developed the game, interface and interaction design, and also implemented the game. It supports up to four players simultaneously and allows each player to join and leave on an ad-hoc basis.


Press coverage

Multimediale Steinzeit-Kunst wird interaktiv

Medium: Der Standard

  • Cambridge University´s Prehistoric Picture Project; Prof. Christopher Chippindale; Dr. Frederik Baker
09/30/2010 – 06/29/2012
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
Research Group Media Computing