
The project "TerminalOnRail2" examines the technical possibilities of a rail based feeder system for airports based on already existing infrastructure.

Copyright: FH OÖ
Gepäckabgabe bereits im Zug

Existing Airport Transfer Systems lack attraction

There are numerous cooperations between airlines and railway operators, trying to replace short–distance feeder flights with train journeys for ecological and economic reasons. However, take up by travellers is limited.  A lack of attractive service offers when it comes to handling luggage leads to a majority of passengers preferring to travel to the airport by car or feeder flight.

Check in your luggage – on the train to the airport

For two thirds of air passengers the option to check in their luggage directly at the feeder train is a considerable factor regarding their travelling choice. A bespoke luggage handling system would therefore further promote customer acceptance of trains as feeder services. The goal is to shift as many of the tasks and services usually performed at the airport as possible towards the railway to make the best use of travel time and improve customer convenience.

More attractive railway based transfer systems

The preceding project “TerminalOnRail” investigated the possibilities for a railway based transfer system focusing on technical and logistical challenges of checking in luggage on board the train and a suitable interface with the airport.

TerminalOnRail2 is now looking for solutions that will allow the checking in of luggage on the train while complying with the strict requirements of aviation and rail travel. All requirements for such a system will be comprehensively processed both from the passenger’s perspective and from a technical and logistical perspective. Based on this a viable concept for the checking in of luggage on the train during the transfer will be designed. This concept will then be tested and evaluated in the field trial future and requirements for further development identified.

The goal is an attractive and convenient train transfer system based on already existing railway infrastructure, especially taking into account time efficiency for both the traveller and the airlines.



Rüger, B., & T. Shibayama. (2019, July 19). Towards Baggage Drop off in Airport Train (Kuukou-Shanai-ni-okeru Bageji-Doroppu-ofu-ni Mukete) [Presentation]. Stakeholder meeting towards implementation of "fast travel" program, Tokyo, Japan.
Rüger, B. (2019). Effizienzsteigerung von Reisezügen durch geeignete Innenraumkonzepte. ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau mit ETR Austria, 6(6), 70–73.
Rüger, B. (2019, December 11). Customer-oriented railway wagons [Poster]. Innorail 2019, Budapest, Hungary.
Rüger, B. (2019). Effizienzsteigerung von Reisezügen durch geeignete Innenraumkonzepte. 30 Jahre Hochleistungsbahnen in Österreich - Bilanz Und Ausblick, 95 (2019), 49–54.
Rüger, Bernhard. (2018). Passenger Distribution On The Platform - Impact On Dwell Time. Proceedings, 73–76.
External Staff
Lukas-Immanuel Stock (student employee)
  • netwiss
  • Austrian Airlines
  • Vienna International Airport
  • Siemens
  • FH Joanneum
  • TU Wien, Institute of Transportation
  • University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
  • promotion&Co
07/01/2018 – 02/27/2020
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research