Gender-sensitive development of media formats for children using transmedia storytelling.

Gender-sensitive media formats for children
The market for children’s media is highly segmented along gender lines. Research shows that girls read books and listen to radio more frequently, whereas boys play computer games and read comic strips more often. Apart from this, in today’s society children are introduced to gender specific topics and arrangements at an early stage, e.g. pink ponies and princesses for girls or scary monsters and red racing cars for boys. Trying to break these stereotypes media companies are facing two challenges: First, how to address both gender groups. Publishing companies often state that they have difficulties reaching boys with literature, whereas the gaming industry struggles to address girls. Second, the media industry is frequently criticized for reinforcing gender stereotypes. This project aims at identifying solutions for these challenges. In cooperation with Austrian media companies, guidelines for the development of gender-sensitive media formats for children will be compiled and made available in the form of a handbook.
Transmedia Storytelling
A special focus is put on transmedia storytelling strategies: As opposed to cross-medial promotion strategies, stories are not transformed from one medium into another but rather told across different platforms. Applying methods from media, social and economic sciences, an analysis of various transmedia formats and how they are performing with boys’ and girls’ different media use will take place. It will offer an incentive to engage in additional media, to question traditional gender roles and to explore a variety of roles and identities irrespective of their gender. The research project aims at inspiring media companies to create their products in a gender-sensitive way, to tell stories across different platforms while developing new markets.
Read more about results and guidelines: Transmedia Extensions.
Press coverage
Wie Games coole Mädchen zum Leben erwecken
05/10/2017Medium: Der Standard
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Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Course Leader Film, TV and Media - Creation and Distribution (MA)
Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Head of c-tv
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Ederer, BSc
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Kuntner, BSc
Harald Prochaska, MA
- Mag.a Karin Haller – Institut für Jugendliteratur
- Mag.a Hildegard Gärtner – Jungbrunnen Verlag
- Markus Wiemker, M.A. – Markus Wiemker Game Design & Game Studies
- Johanna Dorer – Universität Wien, Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
- Mag.a Assimina Gouma (Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Universität Wien)
- Rosemarie Eichinger (children's book author)