Wearable Theatre.The art of immersive storytelling

The artistic research project Wearable Theatre aims at exploring the narrative and dramatic potential of Virtual Reality (VR) representations and will lay the foundation for future forms of storytelling.

Literature and virtual reality

Whereas traditional forms of artistic expression – such as film, theatre or literature - depend on conventional, linear forms of narration, Virtual reality offers new creative possibilities to increase empathy and immersion. Artistic components like story, setting and sound create 360° VR stories or performances that users can experience via an appropriate headset. This image of a wearable theatre is also, where the project title has taken its origin. The intentional implementation of points of orientation and points of attention, the two key principles of VR, will result in high empathy and user response.

Digital world literature

To properly integrate and utilize the 360° VR medium as an immersive and experimental form for literary material, three novels, known for their existential and atmospheric narrative style, have been chosen: “Demons” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “The Fall” by Albert Camus and “Homo Faber” by Max Frisch. An expert panel of artists, researchers, writers, directors, media-artists, composers and media scientists will transform written narrative context into a 360° VR experimental space. The experiments are specifically concentrated on the examination of:

Old stories, new narrative adventures

Key scenes from the novels serve as basis for the dramatic and technical production process, involving the adaption of figures, action and scenic-structural progression in a 360° VR shooting script. A series of 12 experiments will be carried out over the next three years and further increase the interaction between science, technology and art.  From a standpoint of traditional literature and media art, the acquired information is expected to reveal new perspectives on the narrative possibilities of VR dramatization. Moreover, the experiment is supposed to initiate new narrative content in an independent artistic form of expression, perception and experience - the experimental form Wearable Theatre. 

Press Coverage 

Deutschlandfunk, Corso, 03.05.2017: Markus Wintersberger and Markus Josef Weiss talk to Adalbert Siniawski


Wintersberger, M. (2019). 30 Jahre FLUSS - Where Are We Now? Foto Fluss, Schloss Wolkersdorf. http://www.fotofluss.at/content.php?id=72&ausstellung=401&details=1&jahr=2019
Labuhar, A., Öllinger, L., Baumgartner, C., Felsner, J., Kierberger, D., Linha, E., Wiener, N., Blatterer, I., Yang, S., Gierlinger, P., Milutinovic, C., Regen, V., Chocholowicz, A., Awad, O., Havrest, A., Jelinek, L., Toth, N., Schwetz, M., Schimek, H., … Wintersberger, M. (2019). "fhSPACE YouTube Palace". St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (AT), Bachelor Degree Program Media Technology and Master Program Digital Design, Masterclass Experimental Media [Performance and Presentation]. fhSPACE YouTube Palace, Ars Electronica Festival Linz. https://ars.electronica.art/outofthebox/fhspace/
Wintersberger, M. (2019). Der Hände Werk. Digital Design - Experimentelle Medien. Vortrag im Rahmen des künstlerischen Symposium "Der Hände Werk" zum Thema "XR = extended Reality". Der Hände Werk, Schallaburg Niederösterreich. https://www.schallaburg.at/de/ausstellungen/der-haende-werk/derhaendewerk
Nagl, A., Essl, K., Ettenauer, I., & Wintersberger, M. (2019). LamenToys – konzertante Tanzperformance / performatives Konzert [Performance]. Erbsenfabrik, Brick-5, 1150 Wien, Herklotzgasse 21. https://andreanagl.wordpress.com/2019/04/10/lamentoys/
Wintersberger, M. (2019). Spatial Turn: XR, Spatial Design and Holography. Spatial Turn, Akademie Graz. https://idk.fh-joanneum.at/2019/02/01/symposium-spatial-turn-xr-spatial-design-and-holography/
Wintersberger, M., Munk, C., Wagensommerer, T., & Bachelor und Master, E. M. (2019). ExMedia 2019. Performance und Installation. Präsentation von Studierenden Projekten aus den Studiengängen Bachelor Medientechnik und Master Digital Design, Masterklasse Experimentelle Medien der FH St. Pölten [Performance und Presentation]. ExMedia 2019, freiraum St. Pölten. https://www.fhstp.ac.at/de/newsroom/news/innovative-performances-bei-der-ex-media-2019-5
Wintersberger, M., Munk, C., Wagensommerer, T., Vogt, G., Kühn, U., Weiss, M. J., & Holmes, C. R. (2019). “The Messy Shape of Problems” – Past, Present and Future Perspectives of Design [Performance and Presentation]. The Messy Shape of Problems, Ars Electronica Festival Linz. https://ars.electronica.art/outofthebox/perspectives/
Yang, S., Öllinger, L., Labuhar, A., Blatterer, I., Kindl, F., Christian Munk, & Wintersberger, M. (2019). baroXmedia – Barock meets digitale Medienkunst. Präsentation von Studierenden Projekten aus den Studiengängen Bachelor Medientechnik und Master Digital Design, Masterklasse Experimentelle Medien der FH St. Pölten [Performance and Presentation]. Internationale Barocktage Stift Melk, Stift Melk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBQU_h3VvkI&t=79s
Wintersberger, M., Nagl, A., Essl, K., Schuler, C., & Schlager, J. (2019). Kugelkopf ext. 5:C64. #digitalnatives19. Volkstheater Wien [Performance and Presentation]. #digitalnatives19, Volkstheater Wien. https://www.flickr.com/photos/96915079@N08/albums/72157709315514137
Wintersberger, M., Nagl, A., Schlager, J., Mariacher, J., & Essl, K. (2019). Kugelkopf ext. 6: Out of the Box. Festival Ars Electronica 2019 [Performance and Presentation]. Ars Electronica Festival Linz, Ars Electronica Festival Linz. https://andreanagl.wordpress.com/2019/09/08/kugelkopf-ext-6-out-of-the-box/
Blasinger, F., Blass, S., Blatterer, I., Brugger, J., Eder, F., Erber, E., Grobner, A., Guggenbichler, M., Haghofer, J., Jachek, M., Kindl, F., Kohlhofer, M., Labuhar, A., Öllinger, L., Steiner, M., Suess, J., Thaliyath, K., Traun, J., Yang, S., … Wintersberger, M. (2019). volXmedia. Experimentelle Medienprojekte. #digitalnatives19. Installationen von Studierenden Projekten aus den Studiengängen Bachelor Medientechnik und Master Digital Design, Masterklasse Experimentelle Medien der FH St. Pölten. #digitalnatives19, Volkstheater Wien. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aA9qtozoss&t=37s
Wintersberger, M., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Schimana, E., Masterklasse, E. M., & Fischer, E. (2019). Wir haben eine Wahl. WILDE REPRODUKTION. WILDE REPRODUKTION, IMA St. Pölten Linzerstrasse. https://ima.or.at/de/projekt/wir_haben_eine_wahl/
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Kühn, U., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2019). European Researchers Night. AEON & NOMED. Wearable Theatre. The Art of immersive Storytelling. European Researchers" Night, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien. https://sci4all.eu/2019/07/20/wearable-theatre-the-art-of-immersive-storytelling/
Wintersberger, M., Nagl, A., Schlager, J., Schuler, C., & Essl, K. (2019). XR Bunker. Rotierende Skulptur im Raum (Mitte), Licht- und Soundinstallation. #digitalnatives19. Volkstheater Wien [Variabel; XR Rauminstallatio und Performance]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDx3aVwOzwc&feature=youtu.be
Wintersberger, M., Wagensommerer, T., & Munk, C. (2019). VR-Schwerpunkt: Wenn das Kino die Leinwand verlässt. Wearable Theatre. VR-Schwerpunkt, Designforum Graz. https://www.diagonale.at/vr-schwerpunkt-19/
Nagl, A., Schuler, C., & Wintersberger, M. (2019). for ever Renate. All we love is neon. Trash-Performance im Rahmen der Eröffnung und im Auftrag der Int. Bühnenwerkstatt Graz [Performance and Presentation]. Bühnenwerkstatt Graz, Theater im Palais Graz. https://andreanagl.wordpress.com/2019/07/20/for-ever-renate
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Rae Holmes, C., Vogt, G., Kühn, U., & Püringer, J. (2019). NEW FORMS OF THEATRE | XR Stage. Wearable Theatre. The Art of immersive Storytelling - MASOWISCHES KULTURINSTITUT Warschau [Performance and Presentation]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No1LdMLfU8Q&t=1256s
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Kühn, U., Munk, C., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2019). NOMED. Wearable Theatre Showcase. XR Performance und Installation. - Zentrale [Performance]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRFfxbUfUtc
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Kühn, U., Munk, C., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2019). NOMED. Wearable Theatre Showcase. XR Performance und Installation. [Performance]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRFfxbUfUtc
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J. W., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Kühn, U., Munk, C., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2019). NOMED. Wearable Theatre. The Art of Immersive storytelling - #digitalnatives19. Volkstheater Wien [Performance and Presentation]. #digitalnatives19, Volkstheater Wien. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwgy7JYWgvU
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J. W., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Kühn, U., Munk, C., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2019). NOMED. Wearable Theatre. The Art of Immersive storytelling - #digitalnatives19. Volkstheater Wien [Performance and Presentation]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwgy7JYWgvU
Wintersberger, M., & Holmes, C. R. (2019). Performing the Avatar. Actor & Avatar Conference - Acting the Future. Colleen Rae Holmes, Open Acting Academy Wien, and Prof. Markus Wintersberger, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. Actor & Avatar, Züricher Hochschule der Künste. https://www.zhdk.ch/veranstaltung/39891
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Rae Holmes, C., Vogt, G., Kühn, U., & Püringer, J. (2019). NOMED & AEON. VR Installation - XR Volkstheater | Wearable Theatre in der Präsidentenloge Volkstheater Wien [Performance and Presentation]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT4bi35VOF0
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Rae Holmes, C., Vogt, G., Kühn, U., & Püringer, J. (2019). NOMED & AEON. VR Installation - XR Volkstheater | Wearable Theatre in der Präsidentenloge Volkstheater Wien [Performance and Presentation]. Tag der offenen Tür 2019, Volkstheater Wien.
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Rae Holmes, C., Vogt, G., Kühn, U., & Püringer, J. (2019). NEW FORMS OF THEATRE | XR Stage. Wearable Theatre. The Art of immersive Storytelling - MASOWISCHES KULTURINSTITUT Warschau [Performance and Presentation]. Culture Festival, The Mazovian Institute of Culture, Warsaw (Poland). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No1LdMLfU8Q&t=1256s
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Kühn, U., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2019). European Researchers Night. AEON & NOMED. Wearable Theatre. The Art of immersive Storytelling - Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien [Video recording]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ9aAPTd6YI
Vogt, G., Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Kühn, U., & Püringer, J. (2019). EuroVR International Conference - EuroVR 2019 [Presentation]. EuroVR 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. https://eurovr2019.eu
Wintersberger, M., Munk, C., Wagensommerer, T., Rae Holmes, C., Weiss, M. J., Püringer, J., & Kühn, U. (2018). Der Zeit ihr Kunst, der Kunst ihre Forschung [Tweet]. @mwintersberger. https://twitter.com/mwintersberger/status/985073927906054144
Wintersberger, M., & Weiss, M. J. (2018). VRVienna goes Art. Einblicke in das künstlerisches Forschungsprojekt „Wearable Theatre. The Art of Immersive Storytelling.“ [Lecture]. VRVienna goes Art, VREI VR-Café Wien. https://wearabletheatre.fhstp.ac.at/en/showcase/#showcase_vrviennagoesart18
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., & Munk, C. (2018). VR-Schwerpunkt: Virtueller Raum & digitale Technologien im Film - Mixed Reality Identity [Lecture and Workshop]. Diagonale Graz, Schubertkino Graz. https://www.diagonale.at/vr-schwerpunkt-18
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Kühn, U., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2018). NACHTGERÜCHE – Wearable Theatre. Volx/Margareten: Wien 5 – Die Kunst der Nachbarschaft [Performance and Presentation]. Die Kunst der Nachbarschaft, Open Acting Academy Wien – Konservatorium für Schauspiel.
Wintersberger, M. (2018). LITERATUR & VIRTUAL REALITY. Über die digitalen Formen des Geschichtenerzählens. Gespräch mit dem Regisseur Mika Johnson und dem Medienwissenschaftler Markus Wintersberger [Lecture]. Franfurter Buchmesse, Frankfurter Buchmesse. https://mastereditionstrasbourg.wordpress.com/2018/10/21/literatur-und-virtual-reality-auf-der-frankfurter-buchmesse-2018
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Kühn, U., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2018). Lange Nacht der Forschung. Wearable Theatre: Partizipatives Mixed Reality Setting in der FH Lounge [Presentation]. Lange Nacht der Forschung, FH St. Pölten. https://wearabletheatre.fhstp.ac.at/showcase/
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Munk, C., Wagensommerer, T., Kühn, U., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2018). NACHTGERÜCHE. Wearable Theatre | Volx/Margareten: Wien 5 – Die Kunst der Nachbarschaft [Tweet]. @mwintersberger. https://twitter.com/mwintersberger/status/996040393908244480
Wintersberger, M., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Vogt, G., Kühn, U., & Püringer, J. (2018). Getting into Shapes - What"s Inside the Cube? [Tweet]. @mwintersberger. https://twitter.com/mwintersberger/status/987277106345324544
Wintersberger, M., Fischer, E., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., & Weiss, M. J. (2017). Creators Lab zum Thema Virtual Reality. Kreativlabor in Kooperation mit sound:frame [Presentation and Workshop]. Creators Lab, Witschaftsagentur Wien. https://soundframe.at/2017/04/20/creators-lab-virtual-reality/#info
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Vogt, G., Kühn, U., & Püringer, J. (2017, 2020). Wearable Theatre. The Art of Immersive Storytelling. Portfolio / Website. FWF PEEK Art based research. 2017 -2020. https://wearabletheatre.fhstp.ac.at/
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Kühn, U., Vogt, G., & Püringer, J. (2017, 2020). Wearable Theatre. The Art of Immersive Storytelling. FWF PEEK Art based research. 2017 -2020. https://www.pinterest.at/mwintersberger/art-markus-wintersberger-medienwerkstatt006/
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Kühn, U., & Püringer, J. (2017). Wearable Theatre Forschungsfest im Palais Niederösterreich - Land Niederösterreich. http://www.noe.gv.at/noe/Wissenschaft-Forschung/Forschungsfest_Noe.html
Wintersberger, M., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Nagl, A., Hofbauer, G., Holmes, C. R., Weiss, M. J., & Püringer, J. (2017). virtu.real – zur aesthetik des digitalen — Fachhochschule St. Pölten. https://www.fhstp.ac.at/de/newsroom/events/virtu-real-zur-aesthetik-des-digitalen
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Fischer, E., Pirker, J., & Anima, A. (2017). VR – Film im virtuellen Raum. VR – Hype oder Zukunft? Talk [Lecture]. VR – Film im virtuellen Raum, Schubertkino Graz. http://www.diagonale.at/virtual-reality-film-im-virtuellen-raum
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., & Siniawski, A. (2017). Virtual Reality in der Literatur. Im Kopf von Homo Faber. Nach Computerspielen und Kinofilmen erreichen die Virtual-Reality-Brillen auch die Literatur [Presentation and Interview]. Im Kopf von Homo Faber, ORF Landesstudio St. Pölten. https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/virtual-reality-in-der-literatur-im-kopf-von-homo-faber.807.de.html?dram:article_id=385233
Wintersberger, M., Weiss, M. J., Holmes, C. R., Wagensommerer, T., Munk, C., Püringer, J., & Kühn, U. (2017). Forschungsfest Niederösterreich. Wearable Theatre. The Art of Immersive Storytelling. Interaktive Station [Performance and Presentation]. Forschungsfest Niederösterreich, Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Wien.
Wintersberger, M. (1991, 2020). medienwerkstatt006. Online Art based Research Portfolio - Open Data / Open Knowledge [Portfolio]. Markus Wintersberger - medienwerkstatt006. http://www.medienwerkstatt006.at/

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Deputy Academic Director Digital Design (MA)
Department of Media and Digital Technologies
Location: A - Campus-Platz 1
M: +43/676/847 228 620
  • Conservatory for Acting OAA-Vienna: Colleen Rae Holmes, Marcus Josef Weiss
  • sound:frame, Eva Fischer
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - Programme for Arts-based Research (PEEK)
04/01/2017 – 03/31/2020
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
Research Group Media Creation