Creating an interactive VR video and guidance on how to virtualise regional products. As example the "carrots’ journeys" from the exhibition “Was bewegt das weite Land“ is used

Interactive VR- Video
From September 2020, the exhibition "Was bewegt das weite Land" (What Moves the Wide Country) offers insight into history and present of rural mobility. An interactive stereoscopic 360° video experience invites the audience to come along on the journey of a carrot from the field to various destinations. This demonstrates deploying interactive storytelling in a Virtual Reality (VR) video in the context of an exhibition.
The video shows the complex mobility behaviour of a regional product and allows visitors to gain a realistic insight into the logic of sourcing and logistics of today’s food production systems. Special attention is paid to key aspects of movement addressed in the exhibition.. What paths do vegetables travel, and what does “local” mean in the context of contemporary mobility?
Guide to presentation and production platforms in VR/online
Building on the outputs of this cooperation, researchers at St. Pölten UAS, develop a VR prototype as part of the DIHOST (Digital Innovation Hub Lower Austria/Vienna/Burgenland)Initiative. For that they adapt the video for a web interface with the aim of demonstrating low-threshold production methods suitable for use by non-production experts in SMEs. Alongside the prototype, a guide is developed offfering SMEs assistance in the selection of production and presentation platforms in order to present themselves using 360° videos. By means of the illustration through the prototype SMEs learn how they can create a virtual experience of their product.
The results of the project are freely available via the link below (in German) and the DIHOST platform.
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Media Creation Research Group
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
Senior Researcher
Media Creation Research Group
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
Department of Media and Digital Technologies
- Stadtgemeinde Groß-Enzersdorf