
In the course of this project a set of methods has been developed for evaluating gender and diversity aspects of workplace ergonomics and usability for workers in safety-critical system settings.


These methods were tested in real situations – in road traffic, railway and emergency call centres – to produce qualitative findings relating to gender-specific requirements for workplaces, which were then be used to draw up guidelines for the use of the methods. At present, it is predominantly men who work in the field of vital systems, but in future it will be possible to use context-sensitive evaluation of workplace ergonomics and software usability to ensure that diverse requirements are taken into account in the design of workplaces.

Download Guideline

The findings of the project GenSiSys are summarized in a guideline document which can be downloaded for free:

A printed copy can be purchased via epubli or amazon.

Press coverage

Frauen sitzen anders, Männer manchmal auch.

Medium: Der Standard
Author:  Andrea Heinz

Ein Forschungsprojekt an der FH St. Pölten untersucht geschlechtsspezifische Bedürfnisse am Arbeitsplatz im sicherheitskritischen Umfeld.


Pohl, M., Weissenböck, E., Judmaier, P., Viertelmayr, A., & Rottermanner, G. (2018). Life at risk - an empirical investigation of the design of workplaces in control rooms. IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, 13.
Weissenböck, E., Pohl, M., Judmaier, P., Viertelmayr, A., & Rottermanner, G. (2017). Designing workplaces for control rooms: a study using focus groups and stakeholder interviews. 10th International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2017 (ICT 2017).
Michelberger, F., Rottermanner, G., Bichler, R., & Judmaier, P. (2016, August 3). Lessons learned from field tests for methods of user evaluation in safety critical systems. Proceedings of the 2nd German Workshop on Rail Human Factors. 2nd German Workshop on Rail Human Factors, Braunschweig.
Michelberger, F., Judmaier, P., Rottermanner, G., Größbacher, S., Viertelmayer, A., Bichler, R., Laser, B., Erharter, D., Pohl, M., Weissenböck, E., Münch, J., Kraner, F.-S., Jordan, W., Palmetzhofer, G., Fischer, L., & Kriegshaber, U. (2016). Gender- und Diversity-Kriterien im sicherheitskritischen Arbeitsumfeld. epubli (neopubli GmbH).
Michelberger, F. (2016). Mensch und Maschine als Team – Genderaspekte in Leitzentralen. Bahn Manager, 04–2016, 124–127.
Michelberger, F. (2015, September 25). GenSiSys - Gendergerechte Gestaltung von Leitstellen. european researchers night, Wien.
Rottermanner, G., Judmaier, P., Größbacher, S., Erharter, D., Pohl, M., & Weissenböck, E. (2015). Feasibility of Eye Tracking in a Safety-Critical Environment to Support the Design Process of Gender & Diversity. Forum Medientechnik - Next Generation, New Ideas, 133–140.
Pohl, M., Weissenböck, E., Judmaier, P., Rottermanner, G., Größbacher, S., & Erharter, D. (2015). Gender and the Design of Computer Interfaces in Control Rooms. Forum Medientechnik - Next Generation, New Ideas, 11–22.
Judmaier, P., Pohl, M., Michelberger, F., Bichler, R., Erharter, D., Fränzl, T., & Kunz, A. (2014). Untersuchungsmethoden zur Gendersensibilität von Arbeitsplätzen im Umfeld sicherheitskritischer Systeme. Gender UseT.
  • Frequentis AG USECON – The Usability Consultants GmbH
  • Technische Universität Wien / Institut für Gestaltungs- und Wirkungsforschung
  • ZIMD Zentrum für Interaktion, Medien & soziale Diversität
funded by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology
09/01/2013 – 08/30/2015
Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies
Institute of Health Sciences
Research Group Media Computing