Multi-Device Ecologies Towards Elaborate User Experience discusses issues of relevance regarding interaction design and user experience design and aims at an integrated use of media technology devices such as mobile devices, multi-touch tabletops or large surfaces in multi-device ecologies.

Interaction design today
Media technology today already offers a variety of technologies, which provide users with a direct interface. Smartphones have become omnipresent, multi-touch tabletops are well-developed and even large surfaces are installed cost-effectively in significant sizes in form of monitor walls or projections.
In semi-public spaces however, a lack of tested interaction designs and user experience concepts creates difficulty to apply those technologies in an easy, integrated and beneficial manner.
Smartphone as a source of knowledge
MEETeUX creates scenarios based on the integration of various terminal devices, and therefore shows the usage of multi-device ecologies in semi-public spaces. An important aspect of MEETeUX is the integration of the user’s terminal devices (“Bring Your Own Device”, usually smartphones) in consisting device ecologies. The usage of their own devices allows an adaption to the user’s special needs, thus improving the accessibility. In MEETeUX, selected scenarios, e.g. knowledge transfer in a museum, will be implemented and evaluated for a user centered design approach. Museums and science centers have high interest in using said technologies and are therefore an adequate example.
Copyright: FH St. Pölten / Maximilian Döringer
Project goals
Project results are general guidelines and best practice examples as well as a fully functional prototype that involves the visitor’s own device (“Bring your own device”) in existing multi-device ecologies.
Find out more on our project website!
Press articles
Dinosaurier aus Fleisch und Blut
08/21/2017Medium: profil
Smartphones und Tablets machen Museumsbesuche zum multimedialen und interaktiven Erlebnis - das verspricht zumindest das Projekt MEETeUX, das von der FH St. Pölten koordiniert wird. Dabei geht es um die Entwicklung digitaler Formen der Ausstellungsgestaltung.
Hackermarathon in St. Pölten
Author: Anna Hausmann
Die Digitalisierung hat Einzug gehalten in Österreichs Kulturinstitutionen - ihr volles Potenzial wird aber längst noch nicht ausgeschöpft. An der Fachhochschule (FH) St. Pölten haben sich vor Kurzem 20 Expertinnen und Experten aus Kunst, Wissenschaft und Technik zu einem „Hackathon“ getroffen, bei dem an der digitalen Zukunft von Museen getüftelt wurde.
You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Department of Media and Digital Technologies
- FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Wolfgang Aigner MSc
- FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Judmaier
- FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Kerstin Blumenstein BSc
- Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Größbacher BSc
- Dr. Victor Adriel de Jesus Oliveira MSc
- Dipl.-Ing. Magdalena Boucher BSc
- Dipl.-Ing. Florian Taurer BSc
- Alexis Ringot master
Univ.Prof. Martin Kaltenbrunner, University of Art and Design Linz
Dipl.-Ing. Niklas Thür, BSc
- University of Art and Design Linz