Webinar Series "Secure Home Office”

Educating SME about security in the home office, particularly suited for companies with little background in IT security

As a result of the corona crisis and measures taken to contain the spread of the virus, many SME are suddenly confronted with the (increased) need to use home office. In addition to user-friendliness and costs, the issues of security and data protection are of great importance, especially in view of the ever-increasing threat from criminals. 
In this series of webinars, researchers from the Institute of IT Security Research present step-by-step and in detail how to protect yourself and your data. The webinar is designed primarily for end users, but also for those responsible in corporate IT. While the content for end users focuses on secure use of tools and general security-relevant content, specific information is available for the latter target group.

The webinar series is carried out by St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences as part of the Digital Innovation Hub East (DIHOST) on the initiative of the province of Lower Austria. The DIHOST is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour (BMDW) as part of the "Digital Innovation Hubs in Austria" programme and the Province of Lower Austria (Lower Austrian Economic and Tourism Fund).


Involved Institutes, Groups and Centers
Institute of IT Security Research