The „Laboratory for Capturing Motion and Augmenting Environment in Motor Rehabilitation“ will enable innovative projects and excellent research in Austria

3D gait and motion analysis
Gait impairments and motor disorders are frequently occurring phenomena across all ages in Western countries. These conditions not only constitute an enormous socio-economic burden, but also impact several aspects of life in those people affected. Various methods exist for evaluating and diagnosing movement disorders as this information is critical to adjust further treatment strategies. In this context, advanced three-dimensional (3D) motion capturing techniques represent the gold standard in 3D clinical gait analysis (3DGA) practice. This technology allows to collect three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic measurements that aim at gathering precise quantitative information about the mechanics of the musculo-skeletal system. Clinical institutions that use 3DGA are usually also active in R&D. However, the volume of R&D activities is limited by clinical duties and expertise in other technical sciences are often not at hand.
Shaping the future of Motor Rehabilitation
The foundation of an interdisciplinary laboratory for gait and human motion analysis and rehabilitation at the St. Pölten UAS creates an environment where clinical expertise is combined with highly innovative technological methods such as Machine Learning (ML), Visual Analytics (VA) and Mixed Reality (MR). This exceptional combination of expertise creates an environment where the development of novel technology-empowered solutions for rehabilitation is the declared goal. Using ML and VA methods enables the development of innovative intelligent systems for diagnostics and the evaluating of therapeutic processes in the area of gait and movement rehabilitation. MR methods allow the development of novel and interactive therapy scenarios with real-time feedback based on 3DGA data. The combination of these different disciplines is unique in Austria.
Close connection to industry
The development of new technology-driven approaches for motor rehabilitation combined with an intensive collaboration with industrial partners will guarantee, that this lab will be an innovation leader, a hub for innovative projects and an excellent research facility in Austria. The close connection to the industry will facilitate the transfer of academic research to the market and, in consequence, to the patients and therapists.
The Lab offers:
• Eight-camera VICON Motion Capture System for clinical applications (Nexus) and for VFX/Entertainment applications (Shogun)
• Development of machine learning algorithms
• Development of mixed reality applications (e.g. with head mounted displays)
• Expertise in the field of clinical gait analysis and more general in motor rehabilitation
If you are interested in cooperation or if you would like to commission developments/research, please contact us.
Supported by the Laboratory of Gait and Movement Analysis, Orthopaedic Hospital Vienna-Speising.
Senior Researcher Institute of Health Sciences
Department of Health Sciences
- Caterine Schwab MSc
- FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Dr. Matthias Zeppelzauer
- Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Alexander Rind
- FH-Prof. Anna-Maria Raberger PT MSc
- FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Matthias Husinsky
- FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Mario Zeller
- Dipl.-Ing. Lucas Schöffer BSc
- Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Djordje Slijepčević BSc
- Dipl.-Ing. Arian Jalaeefar BSc
- Dipl.-Ing. Marlen Jachek BA (Hons)
- Mark Simonlehner MSc