#Citizen Science

Citizen science projects are carried out with the help of interested amateurs. The citizen scientists formulate research questions, report observations, carry out measurements, analyze data and/or write publications. Compliance with scientific criteria is a prerequisite. This not only enables new scientific projects and new findings, but also facilitates a dialog between science and society.



Assessing clinically relevant biomechanical biomarkers in the field to predict physical functioning and health in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a nation-wide citizen science approach.


Socio-sPatial framework conditions for inclusive housing for persons with complex mental health needs in rURal and small-town areas


comfort:zone - Expanding the personal comfort zone of underrepresented groups in an inclusive mobility system. Develops a tool that helps to strengthen the position of underrepresented groups in t...

GedMig- Multilingual Memory of Migration. Pupils interview Grandparents.

Citizen Science project to give more attention to (post)migrant groups and draw a more realistic picture of diversity in society.


The perspective of users on offers of Lower Austrian youth vocational assis-tance in the tensionfield between activation policy and socio-pedagogical support.


Aigner, W. (2022, November 18). Data and the City: Making data about the city and its people visible. Vienna Perspectives ― Art, Urban Space and Social In-/Equality, Vienna, Austria. https://muk.ac.at/veranstaltung/international-study-sessions-wiener-perspektiven-01.html
von Suess, R., Grabner, M., Baumann, C., Blasinger, F., Nemestothy, S., Stiefelbauer, C., Vogt, G., & Winkler, J. (2020). Woodworking Revisited – Employing State-of-the-Art Video Technologies in Educational Contexts. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 19(2), 13. http://www.tojet.net/volumes/v19i2.pdf
Grabner, M., & von Suess, R. (2019). Herstellung eines Zaunrings | Holzhandwerk revisited [Edutorial; Videobeitrag]. https://youtu.be/7fzcGVtPmWQ
Grabner, M., von Suess, R., Winkler, J., Nemestothy, S., Blasinger, F., & Vogt, G. (2019). Holzhandwerk revisited - Forschungsfest Niederösterreich im Palais Niederösterreich [Projektpräsentation]. Forschungsfest Niederösterreich, Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Wien. https://research.fhstp.ac.at/projekte/kulturelles-erbe-holzhandwerk-revisited
Grabner, M., & von Suess, R. (2019). Herstellung einer Kraxe | Holzhandwerk revisited [Edutorial; Videobeitrag]. https://youtu.be/HG6N4fU3aIg
Grabner, M., & von Suess, R. (2019). Herstellung eines Birkenreisigbesens | Holzhandwerk revisited [Edutorial; Videobeitrag]. https://youtu.be/VWBC7gm7iuE
Grabner, M., & von Suess, R. (2019). Herstellung eines Haussegens | Holzhandwerk revisited [Edutorial; Videobeitrag]. https://youtu.be/3ZarpnjilIo
Baumann, C., & Blasinger, F. (2018, November 27). Animationstechniken in Educational VR [Presentation]. Tagung 2018: In Wirklichkeit Animation…, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria. http://ag-animation.de/tagung-2018/
Grabner, M., & von Suess, R. (2018). Herstellung eines Zaunrings 360° | Holzhandwerk revisited [Edutorial 360; 360° Video]. https://youtu.be/uHe_2QJ6qig
Grabner, M., & von Suess, R. (2018). Herstellung eines Holznagels | Holzhandwerk revisited [Edutorial; Videobeitrag]. https://youtu.be/d8DmEKV8z78