
In 2022, St. Pölten UAS’s 128 research projects generated revenue of EUR 4,6 million. Interdisciplinary projects have grown in importance in recent years as a means to identify suitable answers to modern-day issues and devise appropriate solutions.


Monitoring system for identification of critical ice accumulation to prevent the ballast fly induced by ice dropping. The proposed study aims to investigate the possibility of an integration of an int...


By the conception of an intelligent and integral approach the project smartBOX wants to revolutionize the growing needs of transport in the field of freight mobility in a time of resource scarcity.

Project aims at identifying and counteracting cyber-attacks. Strategies, security tests and a comprehensive decision support system are developped.

Intergenerational assisted living

Examining the need for support services for an intergenerational housing project.

Diagnostics Guide for Relatives

Developing a prototype concept for a standardized counselling interview for relatives of persons with dementia.

Fittest City St. Pölten

Identifying needs and wants of older citizens with regard to the St. Pöltner “Smart City and AAL” concept.

DiMoSy Rail

Testing the usability of the DiMoSy system for monitoring the effect of construction work on rail structures

External Evaluation of the project "Babycouch"

Babycouch offers support for pregnant women, nursing mothers and young families. The St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences conducts a scientific evaluation of the project.