In 2023, St. Pölten UAS’s 126 research projects generated revenue of EUR 5.6 million. Interdisciplinary projects have grown in importance in recent years as a means to identify suitable answers to modern-day issues and devise appropriate solutions.
comfort:zone - Expanding the personal comfort zone of underrepresented groups in an inclusive mobility system.
Develops a tool that helps to strengthen the position of underrepresented groups in t...
CLEA – Check and Leave for Environmental Action
Young people do research in the field of sustainable mobility.
GedMig- Multilingual Memory of Migration. Pupils interview Grandparents.
Citizen Science project to give more attention to (post)migrant groups and draw a more realistic picture of diversity in society.
The perspective of users on offers of Lower Austrian youth vocational assis-tance in the tensionfield between activation policy and socio-pedagogical support.
SSCCS - Secure Supply Chains for Critical Systems
Resilient and adaptable systems that are still operational after being attacked or affected by disruptive events.
CounterSpeech - Young People Against Online Hate
Computer-assisted Strategies for Facilitating Citizen-generated Counter Speech in Social Media
CliMeF - Climate Media Frames
Combining methods from different disciplines to investigate communication strategies on climate change.
EdeN - Green and smart production and distribution of food
Smart operation of aquaponics systems on the basis of IoT technologies.
TransSoDia – Transnational and Digital Learning and Teaching in Cooperative Social Diagnostics
Improving social work methods and transnational teaching at multiple universities.
SBA Research
K1 competence center for Information Security
Using drones to support the intermodal logistics chain in rail freight transport.
Smart Companion 2
Equipping devices for everyday use with voice interaction, fall detection and alerts as support in cases of emergency.