
In 2023, St. Pölten UAS’s 126 research projects generated revenue of EUR 5.6 million. Interdisciplinary projects have grown in importance in recent years as a means to identify suitable answers to modern-day issues and devise appropriate solutions.


comfort:zone - Expanding the personal comfort zone of underrepresented groups in an inclusive mobility system. Develops a tool that helps to strengthen the position of underrepresented groups in t...

GedMig- Multilingual Memory of Migration. Pupils interview Grandparents.

Citizen Science project to give more attention to (post)migrant groups and draw a more realistic picture of diversity in society.


The perspective of users on offers of Lower Austrian youth vocational assis-tance in the tensionfield between activation policy and socio-pedagogical support.


Using drones to support the intermodal logistics chain in rail freight transport.