
In 2022, St. Pölten UAS’s 128 research projects generated revenue of EUR 4,6 million. Interdisciplinary projects have grown in importance in recent years as a means to identify suitable answers to modern-day issues and devise appropriate solutions.


Meta-analysis of critical success factors concerning solutions in the field of freight traffic and transport logistics

SensiTrack - Tracking vs Privacy in the Workplace 4.0

Developing measures to support employee privacy whwn using tracking systems in industry and comparing positive aspects of tracking technologies with regard to occupational safety


Industrial Security (IT/OT convergence) -Qualification network for promoting a common understanding of security among IT and OT experts

DuS - Digitization and Security

Qualification network for transferring IT security knowledge in context of the digital transformation of the economy

Consultation material for nutrition counselling – by dieticians for dieticians

Illustrated and comprehensive advisory material to support dieticians in their daily work.


Scientific exchange with South Africa in the field of digital technologies

ImmBild - Location Assessment by Computer Vision

Location is key – especially when it comes to real estate value. “ImmBild” aims at developing a new method for estimating property value using computer vision of satellite data.