
In 2022, St. Pölten UAS’s 128 research projects generated revenue of EUR 4,6 million. Interdisciplinary projects have grown in importance in recent years as a means to identify suitable answers to modern-day issues and devise appropriate solutions.


Analysing cooperation opportunities for urban midi-hubs - a multi-stakeholder approach to efficient infrastructure use


Developing methods and techniques to detect cyber-attacks on digitized distribution networks of electrical power enhancing its reliability and resilience.

Open Solar House App (DIHOST)

A freely available app for monitoring the energy production of solar systems

Carrots’ journeys

Creating an interactive VR video and guidance on how to virtualise regional products. As example the "carrots’ journeys" from the exhibition “Was bewegt das weite Land“ is used


Multi-Device Ecologies Towards Elaborate User Experience discusses issues of relevance regarding interaction design and user experience design and aims at an integrated use of media technology devices...

Webinar Series "Secure Home Office”

Educating SME about security in the home office, particularly suited for companies with little background in IT security