#Human-Computer Interaction
Das Gebiet der Human-Computer Interaction untersucht, wie neue Medien und Techniken die Zusammenarbeit von Menschen mit Maschinen verändern – von der digitalen Kommunikation für Senior*innen über neue Formen der Kommunikation und Produktion in der Industrie 4.0 bis zu virtuellen Unterhaltungs- und Kunstwelten.
Aigner, W. (2025, January 13). Wintergraph 2025 - Research Area - Data Visualization. 18th Visual Computing Winter Workshop Austria (Wintergraph 2025), Kaprun.
Pohl, M., Stoiber, C., Potzmann, B., & Aigner, W. (2025). Inconspicuous Guides: A Qualitative Co-Design Study to Understanding the Degree of Intrusiveness in Visualization Onboarding. 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. IVAPP, Porto, Portugal.
de Jesus Oliveira, V. A., Bigler, T., Grassinger, F., Zauchinger, M., Treytl, A., & Aigner, W. (2025). Empowering Facility Managers: Multimodal Location-Based Visualization for Smart Sanitizer Dispensers Management. International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP).
Rind, A., & Böck, J. (2024, November). easyNWK: a digital tool for ego-centered network diagnostics in social work [Abstract, oral presentation]. 6th International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies (IConCMT), St. Poelten. https://iconcmt.fhstp.ac.at/programme-2024
Böck, J., & Rind, A. (2024, November). easyBiograph: a digital tool for biographical diagnostics in social work [Abstract, oral presentation]. 6th International Conference on Creative\Media/Technologies (IConCMT), St. Poelten. https://iconcmt.fhstp.ac.at/programme-2024
Iber, M., Enge, K., Rönnberg, N., Neidhardt, A., Schnell, N., Pollack, K., kallionpää, M., & Chamberlain, A. (2024). What you hear is what you see? Perspectives on modalities in sound and music interaction. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-024-01835-3
Apellaniz Portos, M., Labadie-Tamayo, R., Stemmler, C., Feyersinger, E., Babic, A., Bruckner, F., Öhner, V., & Zeppelzauer, M. (2024). Analysis of Hybrid Compositions in Animation Film with Weakly Supervised Learning. Vision of Art - Workshop at the European Conference of Computer Vision (ECCV), 14.
Stemmler, C. (2024, October 9). AniVision: New Technology-assisted Approach to Studying Animation History. CAGA Conference, Viborg.
Stranger, P., Judmaier, P., Rottermanner, G., Rokitansky, C.-H., Szilagyi, I.-S., Settgast, V., & Ullrich, T. (2024). A Novel Approach Using Non-Experts and Transformation Models to Predict the Performance of Experts in A/B Tests. Aerospace, 11(7), 574. https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace11070574
Enge, K. (2024, June 18). Open Your Ears and Take a Look: From Audio-Visual Analytics to (VR) Acoustic Ecology [Invited Talk]. NYU VIDA Seminar, New York University: VIDA.